1. Measurement of inclusive(D(s)(±)) photoproduction at HERA ZEUS collaboration
- Author
Breitweg, J, Chekanov, S, Derrick, M, Krakauer, D, Magill, S, Musgrave, B, Pellegrino, A, Repond, J, Stanek, R, Yoshida, R, Mattingly, MCK, Abbiendi, G, Anselmo, F, Antonioli, P, Bari, G, Basile, M, Bellagamba, L, Boscherini, D, Bruni, A, Bruni, G, Cara Romeo, G, Castellini, G, Cifarelli, L, Cindolo, F, Contin, A, Coppola, N, Corradi, M, de Pasquale, S, Giusti, P, Iacobucci, G, Laurenti, G, Levi, G, Margotti, A, Massam, T, Nania, R, Palmonari, F, Pesci, A, Polini, A, Sartorelli, G, Zamora Garcia, Y, Zichichi, A, Amelung, C, Bornheim, A, Brock, I, Coböken, K, Crittenden, J, Deffner, R, Hartmann, H, Heinloth, K, Hilger, E, Irrgang, P, Jakob, H-P, Kappes, A, Katz, UF, Kerger, R, Paul, E, Schnurbusch, H, Stifutkin, A, Tandler, J, Voss, KC, Weber, A, Wieber, H, Bailey, DS, Barret, O, Brook, NH, Foster, B, Heath, GP, Heath, HF, McFall, JD, Piccioni, D, Rodrigues, E, Scott, J, Tapper, RJ, Capua, M, Mastroberardino, A, Schioppa, M, Susinno, G, Jeoung, HY, Kim, JY, Lee, JH, Lim, IT, Ma, KJ, Pac, MY, Caldwell, A, Liu, W, Liu, X, Mellado, B, Paganis, S, Sampson, S, Schmidke, WB, Sciulli, F, Chwastowski, J, Eskreys, A, Figiel, J, Klimek, K, Olkiewicz, K, Piotrzkowski, K, Przybycień, MB, Stopa, P, Zawiejski, L, Bednarek, B, Jeleń, K, Kisielewska, D, Kowal, AM, Kowalski, T, Przybycień, M, Rulikowska-Zarebska, E, Suszycki, L, Szuba, D, Kotański, A, Bauerdick, LAT, Behrens, U, Bienlein, JK, Burgard, C, Dannheim, D, Desler, K, Drews, G, Fox-Murphy, A, Fricke, U, Goebel, F, Göttlicher, P, Graciani, R, Haas, T, Hain, W, Hartner, GF, Hasell, D, Hebbel, K, Johnson, KF, Kasemann, M, Koch, W, Kötz, U, Kowalski, H, Lindemann, L, Löhr, B, Martínez, M, Milite, M, Monteiro, T, Moritz, M, Notz, D, Pelucchi, F, Petrucci, MC, Rohde, M, Saull, PRB, Savin, AA, Schneekloth, U, Selonke, F, Sievers, M, Stonjek, S, Tassi, E, Wolf, G, Wollmer, U, Youngman, C, Zeuner, W, Coldewey, C, Lopez-Duran Viani, A, Meyer, A, Schlenstedt, S, Straub, PB, Barbagli, G, Gallo, E, Pelfer, P, Maccarrone, G, Votano, L, Bamberger, A, Benen, A, Eisenhardt, S, Markun, P, Raach, H, Wölfle, S, Bussey, PJ, Doyle, AT, Lee, SW, Macdonald, N, McCance, GJ, Saxon, DH, Sinclair, LE, Skillicorn, IO, Waugh, R, Bohnet, I, Gendner, N, Holm, U, Meyer-Larsen, A, Salehi, H, Wick, K, Garfagnini, A, Gialas, I, Gladilin, LK, Kçira, D, Klanner, R, Lohrmann, E, Poelz, G, Zetsche, F, Goncalo, R, Long, KR, Miller, DB, Tapper, AD, Walker, R, Mallik, U, Cloth, P, Filges, D, Ishii, T, Kuze, M, Nagano, K, Tokushuku, K, Yamada, S, Yamazaki, Y, Ahn, SH, Lee, SB, Park, SK, Lim, H, Park, IH, Son, D, Barreiro, F, García, G, Glassnan, C, Gonzalez, O, Labarga, L, del Peso, J, Redondo, I, Terrón, J, Barbi, M, Corriveau, F, Hanna, DS, Ochs, A, Padhi, S, Riveline, M, Stairs, DG, Wing, M, Tsurugai, T, Bashkirov, V, Dolgoshein, BA, Dementiev, RK, Ermolov, PF, Golubkov, YA, Katkov, II, Khein, LA, Korotkova, NA, Korzhavina, IA, Kuzmin, VA, Lukina, OY, Proskuryakov, AS, Shcheglova, LM, Solomin, AN, Vlasov, NN, Zotkin, SA, Bokel, C, Botje, M, Brümmer, N, Engelen, J, Grijpink, S, Koffeman, E, Kooijman, P, Schagen, S, van Sighem, A, Tiecke, H, Tuning, N, Velthuis, JJ, Vossebeld, J, Wiggers, L, de Wolf, E, Acosta, D, Bylsma, B, Durkin, LS, Gilmore, J, Ginsburg, CM, Kim, CL, Ling, TY, Boogert, S, Cooper-Sarkar, AM, Devenish, RCE, Grobe-Knetter, J, Matsushita, T, Ruske, O, Sutton, MR, Walczak, R, Bertolin, A, Brugnera, R, Carlin, R, Dal Corso, F, Dosselli, U, Dusini, S, Limentani, S, Morandin, M, Posocco, M, Stanco, L, Stroili, R, Voci, C, Adamczyk, L, Iannotti, L, Oh, BY, Okrasiński, JR, Toothacker, WS, Whitmore, JJ, Iga, Y, D'Agostini, G, Marini, G, Nigro, A, Cormack, C, Hart, JC, McCubbin, NA, Shah, TP, Epperson, D, Heusch, C, Sadrozinski, HF-W, Seiden, A, Wichmann, R, Williams, DC, Pavel, N, Abramowicz, H, Dagan, S, Kananov, S, Kreisel, A, Levy, A, Abe, T, Fusayasu, T, Umemori, K, Yamashita, T, Hamatsu, R, Hirose, T, Inuzuka, M, Kitamura, S, Nishimura, T, Arneodo, M, Cartiglia, N, Cirio, R, Costa, M, Ferrero, MI, Maselli, S, Monaco, V, Peroni, C, Ruspa, M, Sacchi, R, Solano, A, Staiano, A, Dardo, M, Bailey, DC, Fagerstroem, C-P, Galea, R, Koop, T, Levman, GM, Martin, JF, Orr, RS, Polenz, S, Sabetfakhri, A, Simmons, D, Butterworth, JM, Catterall, CD, Hayes, ME, Heaphy, EA, Jones, TW, Lane, JB, West, BJ, Ciborowski, J, Ciesielski, R, Grzelak, G, Nowak, RJ, Pawlak, JM, Pawlak, R, Smalska, B, Tymieniecka, T, Wréblewski, AK, Zakrzewski, JA, Zarnecki, AF, Adamus, M, Gadaj, T, Deppe, O, Eisenberg, Y, Hochman, D, Karshon, U, Badgett, WF, Chapin, D, Cross, R, Foudas, C, Mattingly, S, Reeder, DD, Smith, WH, Vaiciulis, A, Wildschek, T, Wodarczyk, M, Deshpande, A, Dhawan, S, Hughes, VW, Bhadra, S, Catterall, C, Cole, JE, Frisken, WR, Hall-Wilton, R, Khakzad, M, and Menary, S more...
- Abstract
The first measurement of inclusive D(s)(±) photoproduction at HERA has been performed with the ZEUS detector for photon-proton centre-of-mass energies 130 < W < 280GeV. The measured cross section for 3 < p (is perpendicular to)/(D(s)) < 12GeV and |η(D(s))| < 1.5 is σ(ep → D(s)X) = 3.79 ± 0.59(stat.) -0.46/+0.26 (syst.) ± 0.94(br.)nb, where the last error arises from the uncertainty in the D(s)(±) decay branching ratio. The measurements are compared with inclusive D*(±) photoproduction cross sections in the same kinematic region and with QCD calculations. The D(s)(±) cross sections lie above a fixed-order next-to-leading order calculation and agree better with a tree-level O(αα(s)/3) calculation that was tuned to describe the ZEUS D*(±) cross sections. The ratio of D(s)(±) to D*(±) cross sections is 0.41 ± 0.07 (stat.) -0.05/+0.03 (syst.) ± 0.10(br.). From this ratio, the strangeness-suppression factor in charm photoproduction, within the LUND string fragmentation model, has been calculated to be γ(s) = 0.27 ± 0.05 ± 0.07(br.). The cross-section ratio and γ(s) are in good agreement with those obtained in charm production in e+e- annihilation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. more...
- Published
- 2000