One of the great puzzles of modern cosmology is the dark matter problem. Its existence is inferred by analyzing the rotational curve of some spiral galaxies and the dynamics of galactic clusters @1#. With the introduction of dark matter, the discrepancies obtained using only luminous matter can be avoided. Nevertheless, the origin of dark matter and also its properties are not well understood. Although feasible, the dark matter hypothesis demands the existence of yet nondetected particles. Moreover, its nature and properties are a matter of controversy. Besides dark matter, alternative gravitational theories were proposed by some authors @2,3# in a tentative way to explain these observational discrepancies. The results of these theories applied in astrophysical situations may be used to constrain or even avoid some problems resulting from the use of standard gravitational theory. These modifications range from changing Newton’s second law @3# to modifications in general relativity @4–9#. Among several theories proposed as substitutes of general relativity, the very interesting ones are those with non-Newtonian limit in the weak field approximation. In one class of theories a Yukawa-like term is added to standard the Newtonian potential. The introduction of this term in the classical Newtonian gravitational potential has several origins: scale invariance @4#, Brans-Dicke theory with finite mass scalar field @5#, and generalized Einstein action with quadratic terms @6,8,9#. The main reason for developing these theories was the search for possible candidates to a viable quantum gravity. Nevertheless, with the detection of some disturbances in the galactic dynamics, some authors have tried to explain this with nonstandard gravitational theories. In particular, Sanders @2# used a gravitational potential with a Yukawa term to explain some features of galactic rotational curves. The difficulty with these modified theories is that the analysis of the observational data is inconclusive @1#. So the preferred explanation for galactic dynamics is the presence of dark matter. Therefore it would be important to search other observational situations to test the possible existence of a Yukawa-like term in the gravitational potential. In this work we analyze an idealized homogeneous stellar system which is perturbed due to the passage of a massive intruder star. We calculate the influence of the Yukawa term in the scattering of the massive star and the relaxation time of this system. For this purpose, we use an approach developed by Saslaw @10#, in which the scattering is described using a collisionless Boltzmann equation. The advantage of this method is that we can perform a fully analytical approach to the subject, and determine the influence of Yukawa-like term in the final results.