Stojnić, Bojan, Stojnić, Bojan, Vukša, Marina, Jokić, Goran, Stojnić, Bojan, Stojnić, Bojan, Vukša, Marina, and Jokić, Goran
Sedmodnevno laboratorijsko testiranje delovanja moluskocidnih mamaka na bazi različitih aktivnih materija obavljeno je na juvenilima i mladim adultima golaća Arion lusitanicus Mabille, prikupljenim na ruderalnim površinama tokom juna i jula meseca 2008. godine. Pre postavljanja ogleda, prikupljeni golaći adaptirani su na laboratorijske uslove. Testiranje je izvedeno prema prilagođenoj metodi koju su predložili Godan (1983) i Wiktor (1989). Puževi su držani u arenama, u kontrolisanim uslovima (temperatura 20-24oC, relativna vlažnost 80-90%, bez strujanja vazduha i uz difuzno dnevno svetlo). Zavisno od broja jedinki, primenjene su manje (15,5 x 15,5 x 7 cm) i veće (28 x 17,5 x 7 cm) arene i različite količine hrane i mamaka. Kao arene su upotrebljene plastične kutije sa perforiranim poklopcem, obložene višeslojnom hartijom, koja je vlažena jednom dnevno. Puževi su dnevno hranjeni svežom salatom, a mamak je postavljan u otvorene petrijeve posude prečnika 35 mm, i nije menjan tokom eksperimenta. Prvi ogled, individualno izlaganje golaća mamcima, obavljen je sa četiri tretmana po 20 arena, u dva ponavljanja, sa ukupno 160 puževa. Drugi ogled, grupno izlaganje mamcima, obavljen je sa četiri tretmana po pet puževa u areni, u šest ponavljanja, sa ukupno 120 puževa. U eksperimentu sa jednim pužem u areni, najveću efikasnost postigli su preparati Arion i Pužomor pelete (77,5%). Prosečna efikasnost preparata Carakol, posle sedam dana ekspozicije, bila je 60,0%. Grupnim izlaganjem puževa mamcima, preparat Pužomor pelete, trećeg dana ekspozicije, pokazao je efikasnost od 79,3%, koja se nije menjala do kraja eksperimenta. Sedmog dana ekspozicije efikasnost preparata Arion i Carakol bila je 33,3%, odnosno 40,0%., Molluscicide baits based on different active ingredients were tested in a seven-day laboratory trial on juveniles and young adults of Arion lusitanicus Mabille slug collected in ruderal sites during June and July of 2008. Before setting the trial, the slugs were adapted to laboratory conditions. The testing was conducted using a modified version of the method proposed by Godan (1983) and Wiktor (1989). The slugs were kept in arenas under controlled conditions (20-24oC temperature, 80-90% relative air humidity, no air stream, diffuse daylight). Smaller (15.5 x 15.5 x 7 cm) and larger (28 x 17.5 x 7 cm) arenas were used, depending on slug numbers, and different rates of food and bait were administered. Plastic boxes with perforated coverage, lined with multi-ply paper moistened on a daily basis, were used as arenas. The slugs were fed on fresh salad daily, while baits were administered in open 35 mm petri dishes once for the duration of experiment. The first trial involved single-slug exposures to bait in 20 arenas per each of four treatments with two replicates and a total of 160 slugs. The second trial, group exposure, involved four treatments of five slugs per arena in six replicates with a total of 120 slugs. The products Arion and Pužomor demonstrated the highest efficacy (77.5%) in the single- slug trial. The average efficacy of the product Carakol after seven days of exposure was 60.0%. Regarding group exposure, Pužomor pellets achieved 79.3% efficacy after three days and this efficacy rate remained for the rest of the experiment. On the seventh day of exposure, Arion and Carakol had 33.3% and 40.0% efficacy, respectively.