ABSTRACTThree species of ArtaxaWalker, A. guttataWalker, A. vitellina(Kollar) comb. nov. and A. digramma(Boisduval) have been studied in detail. The taxonomic status of the genus has been updated. The various significant external morphological features like wing maculation, venation and, particularly, the genitalic features have been studied in detail. In the present studies, the species vitellinaKollar has been placed under genus ArtaxaWalker, making a new combination as Artaxa vitellina(Kollar) and its placement is justified on the basis of external morphology, and particularly the distinct male and female genitalic characters.urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:C0F058FC-A66E-4159-82B7-9F2B92FE1A38