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1. Uplink wavefront corrector system: from paper to reality

2. Fourier transform analysis of hexagonal domain for transparent conductive graphene

3. Thickness determination of graphene on metal substrate by reflection spectroscopy

4. Single and double scattering event analysis for ultraviolet communication channels

5. Random temporal laser speckles for the robust measurement of sub-microsecond photoluminescence decay

6. Possibilities of wide-angle tellurium dioxide acousto-optic cell application for the optical frequency comb generation

7. Analytical and rigorous method for analysis of an array of magnetically-biased graphene ribbons

8. Three-dimensional measurement based on optimized circular fringe projection technique

9. Depth-driven variable-frequency sinusoidal fringe pattern for accuracy improvement in fringe projection profilometry

10. Aberration analysis for freeform surface terms overlay on general decentered and tilted optical surfaces

11. Embedding the photon with its relativistic mass as a particle into the electromagnetic wave

12. Nanoparticle-crystal towards an absorbing meta-coating

13. Optical inspection of nanoscale structures using a novel machine learning based synthetic image generation algorithm

14. Determination of size distributions of non-spherical pores or particles from single x-ray phase contrast images

15. Accurate measurement for damage evolution of ceramics caused by nanosecond laser pulses with polarization spectrum imaging

16. Propagation of Bessel Gaussian beams through non-Kolmogorov turbulence based on Rytov theory

17. Controllable Gaussian-shaped soliton clusters in strongly nonlocal media

18. Detailed computation on exciplex pumped alkali vapor laser with supersonic flow

19. Synthetic aperture imaging by using spatial modulation diversity technology with stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm

20. Optimization of instrument matrix for Mueller matrix ellipsometry based on partial elements analysis of the Mueller matrix

21. Recovery of absolute height from wrapped phase maps for fringe projection profilometry

22. Sparsely sampled Fourier ptychography

23. A classical simulation of nonlinear Jaynes-Cummings and Rabi models in photonic lattices: reply to comment

24. Over an octave cascaded Raman scattering in short highly germanium-doped silica fiber

25. Quantum limits of super-resolution of optical sparse objects via sparsity constraint

26. Sampling criteria for Fourier ptychographic microscopy in object space and frequency space

27. Field-widened Michelson interferometer for spectral discrimination in high-spectral-resolution lidar: practical development

28. Bidirectional pumped high power Raman fiber laser

29. Accurate analysis of electromagnetic scattering from periodic circular cylinder array with defects

30. Coordinate transformation formulation of electromagnetic scattering from imperfectly periodic surfaces

31. Optimal distribution of integration time for intensity measurements in Stokes polarimetry

32. Direct and inverse discrete Zernike transform

33. Four-wave mixing in a rapidly-spun fiber

34. Estimation of peak Raman gain coefficients for Barium-Bismuth-Tellurite glasses from spontaneous Raman cross-section experiments

35. Non-mechanically-axial-scanning confocal microscope using adaptive mirror switching

36. Coupling losses of rectangular waveguide resonators-- Fourier analysis

37. Adaptive optics using a liquid crystal phase modulator in conjunction with a Shack-Hartmann wave front sensor and zonal control algorithm

38. Introduction

39. Generation of pseudo-Bessel beams at THz frequencies by use of binary axicons

40. Spatiotemporal coupled-mode theory of guided-mode resonant gratings

41. Nonlinearity enhancement and photon blockade in hybrid optomechanical systems

42. Optomechanical controlling of intermolecular interaction and the application in molecular self-assembly

43. Performance analysis of dual-frequency lidar in the detection of the complex wind field

44. Single-shot fringe pattern phase retrieval using improved period-guided bidimensional empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform

45. Doppler velocimeter and vibrometer FMCW LiDAR with Si photonic crystal beam scanner

46. Compact hybrid plasmonic slot waveguide sensor with a giant enhancement factor for surface-enhanced Raman scattering application

47. Doppler optical frequency domain reflectometry for remote fiber sensing: erratum

48. Design of ultra-broadband absorption enhancement in plasmonic absorber by interaction resonance of multi-plasmon modes and Fabry-Perot mode

49. Giant and tunable Goos-Hänchen shift with a high reflectance induced by PT-symmetry in atomic vapor

50. Propagation dynamics and radiation forces of autofocusing circle Bessel Gaussian vortex beams in a harmonic potential