
Showing total 114 results
114 results

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1. Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning: insights from aquatic systems.

2. Elements of ecology and evolution.

3. Improving indicator species analysis by combining groups of sites.

4. Preemption of space can lead to intransitive coexistence of competitors.

5. Quantifying the role of deterministic assembly and stochastic drift in a natural community of Arctic mosses.

6. Structure and dynamics of pollination networks: the role of alien plants.

7. Distribution of specialist and generalist species along spatial gradients of habitat disturbance and fragmentation.

8. Can the cause of aggregation be inferred from species distributions?

9. A comparison of the species–time relationship across ecosystems and taxonomic groups.

10. Ecological subsystems via graph theory: the role of strongly connected components.

11. Applications of ecological stoichiometry for sustainable acquisition of ecosystem services.

12. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in aquatic microbial systems: a new analysis of temporal variation and species richness-predictability relations.

13. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: recent theoretical advances.

14. The evolution of biological stoichiometry under global change.

15. Quelques caractéristiques des communautés d'Orbates (Acari: Oribatei) dans trois biocénoses de Moyenne-Belgique.

16. Competitive interactions change the pattern of species co-occurrences under neutral dispersal.

17. The lost generation hypothesis: could climate change drive ectotherms into a developmental trap?

18. Structure-stability relationships in networks combining mutualistic and antagonistic interactions.

19. How invader traits interact with resident communities and resource availability to determine invasion success.

20. Sizing up community genetics: it's a matter of scale.

21. Analyzing the effects of species gain and loss on ecosystem function using the extended Price equation partition.

22. Ecological factors associated with the strength of trophic cascades in streams.

23. Bryophytes display allelopathic interactions with tree species in native forest ecosystems.

24. Across ecosystem comparisons of size structure: methods, approaches and prospects.

25. The importance of aquatic vegetation in beaver diets and the seasonal and habitat specificity of aquatic-terrestrial ecosystem linkages in a subarctic environment.

26. A framework for understanding physical ecosystem engineering by organisms.

27. Linking soil food web structure to above- and belowground ecosystem processes: a meta-analysis.

28. Grazer diversity affects resistance to multiple stressors in an experimental seagrass ecosystem.

29. Rapid development of indirect effects in ecological networks.

30. Clonal mobility and its implications for spatio-temporal patterns of plant communities: what do we need to know next?

31. Integrating elements and energy through the metabolic dependencies of gross growth efficiency and the threshold elemental ratio.

32. Can ecological stoichiometry help explain patterns of biological invasions?

33. Dispersal, edaphic fidelity and speciation in species-rich Western Australian shrublands: evaluating a neutral model of biodiversity.

34. Context-dependent effects of predator removal from experimental microcosm communities.

35. The interplay between species’ positive and negative interactions shapes the community biomass–species richness relationship.

36. Predator shadows: complex life histories as generators of spatially patterned indirect interactions across ecosystems.

37. Functional diversity predicts overyielding effect of species combination on primary productivity.

38. Long-term persistence of a positive plant diversity–productivity relationship in the absence of legumes.

39. Does Liebig's law of the minimum scale up from species to communities?

40. Limitations of entropy maximization in ecology.

41. Enrichment can damp population cycles: a balance of inflexible and flexible interactions.

42. How predictable are reptile responses to wildfire?

43. Effects of diversity on diversity: consequences of competition and facilitation.

44. Trophic trickles and cascades in a complex food web: impacts of a keystone predator on stream community structure and ecosystem processes.

45. Ecosystem effects of partial fish migration in lakes.

46. Chemical diversity – highlighting a species richness and ecosystem function disconnect.

47. Differences in pollinator faunas may generate geographic differences in floral morphology and integration in Narcissus papyraceus (Amaryllidaceae).

48. Competition and community structure in diurnal arboreal geckos (genus Phelsuma) in the Indian Ocean.

49. Amphibian species richness across environmental gradients.

50. A review of similarity between seed bank and standing vegetation across ecosystems.