
Showing total 63 results
63 results

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1. Habitat use under latent predation risk. A case study with wintering forest birds.

2. Functional response: rigorous estimation and sensitivity to genetic variation in prey.

3. Regulation of root vole population dynamics by food supply and predation: a two-factor experiment.

4. Phenotypic modifications to conspecific density arising from predation risk assessment.

5. Within-group variation in the willingness to risk exposure to a predator: the influence of species and size.

6. Vertical migration in daphnia: the role of phenotypic plasticity in the migration pattern for competing clones or species

7. An analysis of substrate selection by postlarval lobsters, Homarus americanus, using a dynamic optimization model

8. Dangerous dive cycles and the proverbial ostrich.

9. Categorical data analysis and artificial nests: what exactly is a log-linear model?

10. Foraging behaviour of predators in heterogeneous landscapes: the role of perceptual ability and diet breadth.

11. Context-dependent effects of predator removal from experimental microcosm communities.

12. Enrichment can damp population cycles: a balance of inflexible and flexible interactions.

13. Seed-size variation determines interspecific differential predation by mammals in a neotropical rain forest.

14. Competition and intraguild egg predation among freshwater snails: re-examining the mechanism of interspecific interactions.

15. Functional and numerical responses of four lemming predators in high arctic Greenland.

16. Optimal foraging and gut constraints: reconciling two schools of thought.

17. Phenotypic plasticity in gender specific life-history: effects of food availability and predation.

18. Is arthropod predation exclusively satiation-driven?

19. Trait and density mediated indirect interactions in simple food webs.

20. The influence of prey consumption and demographic stochasticity on population growth rate of Isle Royale wolvesCanis lupus.

21. Consumer–resource matching in a food chain when both predators and prey are free to move.

22. Dynamic impacts of feral mink predation on vole metapopulations in the outer archipelago of the Baltic Sea.

23. Adaptive plasticity in nest-site selection in response to changing predation risk.

24. Experimental determination of predation intensity in an intertidal predator guild: dominant versus subordinate prey.

25. Dangerous liaisons: the ecology of private interest and common good.

26. Importance of the predator's ecological neighborhood in modeling predation on migrating prey.

27. Processes structuring communities: evidence for trait-mediated indirect effects through induced polymorphisms.

28. Spatial autocorrelation and the interpretation of patterns of tree seed and seedling predation by rodents in old-fields.

29. Are predators rare?

30. Predator-induced changes in life history in two anuran tadpoles: effects of predator diet

32. The roles of ants as flower visitors: experimental analysis in threealpine plant species

33. Is decreased germination fraction associated with risk of sibling competition?

34. Do gerbils care more about competition or predation?

35. Do bacteria mediate algal colonization in iron-enriched streams?

36. Seasonal compensation of predation and harvesting

37. An evaluation of a mammalian predator, Martes americana, as a disperser of seeds

38. Nest predation on woodland songbirds: when is nest predation densitydependent

39. Interactions among size-structured populations in a whole-lake experiment: size- and scale-dependent processes

40. Feeding, reproduction and community impact of a predatory carabid intwo agricultural habitats

41. Flowers and enemies: predation by nectar-thieving ants in relation to variation in floral form of an alpine wildflower, Polemonium viscosum