
Showing total 66 results
66 results

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1. Connecting the parameters of local extinction and metapopulation dynamics

2. Can the cause of aggregation be inferred from species distributions?

3. Regulation of root vole population dynamics by food supply and predation: a two-factor experiment.

4. A scalar analysis of landscape connectivity.

5. Metapopulation dynamics of the bog fritillary butterfly: movements between habitat patches.

6. Dung beetle movements at two spatial scales.

7. A method to determine rates and patterns of variability in ecological communities.

8. Testing for source-sink population dynamics: an experimental approach exemplified with desert annuals

9. The relationship between species density and community biomass in grazed and ungrazed coastal meadows

10. A critique for macroecology

14. Metapopulation dynamics across gradients – the relation between colonization and extinction in shaping the range edge.

15. Estimating environmental effects on population dynamics: consequences of observation error.

16. Environmental colour intensifies the Moran effect when population dynamics are spatially heterogeneous.

17. The role of metacommunity processes in shaping invertebrate rock pool communities along a dispersal gradient.

18. Reconsidering the mechanistic basis of the metabolic theory of ecology.

19. Does the pattern of population synchrony through space reveal if the Moran effect is acting?

20. Architectural and growth traits differ in effects on performance of clonal plants: an analysis using a field-parameterized simulation model.

21. The role of local and regional processes in structuring larval dragonfly distributions across habitat gradients.

22. An analysis of the analysis of herbivore population dynamics.

23. Matrix dimensionality in demographic analyses of plants: when to use smaller matrices?

24. The shape of things eaten: the functional response of herbivores foraging adaptively.

25. The community context of species’ borders: ecological and evolutionary perspectives.

26. Spatial-temporal population dynamics across species range: from centre to margin.

27. On harvesting a structured ungulate population

28. Incorporating territory compression into population models.

29. Competitive asymmetry, foraging area size and coexistence of annuals.

30. The role of habitat selection behavior in population dynamics: source–sink systems and ecological traps.

32. Resource heterogeneity and ungulate population dynamics.

33. Fluctuating resources and the evolution of litter size in the arcticfox

34. Evolutionary physiology of the cost of reproduction

35. Population extinctions in correlated environments

36. Noise colour, synchrony and extinctions in spatially structured populations

37. Assessing the viability of Scandinavian brown bear, ursus arctos, populations: the effects of uncertain parameter estimates

38. Is the biological control of insects a natural phenomenon?

39. Impications of interspecific and intraspecific abundance-occupancy relationships

40. Allometric scaling of rate, age, and density parameters in ecological models

41. Diversity and stability of small mammals in tallgrass prairie habitat in central Illinois, USA