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248 results

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1. Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning: insights from aquatic systems.

2. Elements of ecology and evolution.

3. Herbivores as architects of savannas: inducing and modifying spatial vegetation patterning.

4. Self-similarity in species–area relationship and in species abundance distribution.

5. Structure and dynamics of pollination networks: the role of alien plants.

6. Measuring the contribution of community members to functional diversity.

7. Distribution of specialist and generalist species along spatial gradients of habitat disturbance and fragmentation.

8. Top-down and bottom-up effects on the spatiotemporal dynamics of cereal aphids: testing scaling theory for local density.

9. Can the cause of aggregation be inferred from species distributions?

10. Effects of productivity on species–area curves in herbaceous vegetation: evidence from experimental and observational data.

11. A comparison of the species–time relationship across ecosystems and taxonomic groups.

12. Ecological subsystems via graph theory: the role of strongly connected components.

13. Applications of ecological stoichiometry for sustainable acquisition of ecosystem services.

14. Plant persistence traits in fire-prone ecosystems of the Mediterranean basin: a phylogenetic approach.

15. Uncoupling strong predator–prey interactions in streams: the role of marginal macrophytes.

16. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in aquatic microbial systems: a new analysis of temporal variation and species richness-predictability relations.

17. Decomposition dynamics in mixed-species leaf litter.

18. The community of an individual: implications for the community concept.

19. The response of benthic rhizopods to sediment disturbance does not support the intermediate disturbance hypothesis.

20. More to resprouting than fire.

21. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: recent theoretical advances.

22. Parasites and ecosystem engineering: what roles could they play?

23. Representing ecosystem structure through signed digraphs. Model reconstruction, qualitative predictions and management: the case of a freshwater ecosystem

24. Pollen analysis of Mor humus layers from a native Scots pine ecosystem, interpreted with surface samples.

25. Extinctions in simple and complex communities.

28. Contemporary pollen studies in a native Scots pine ecosystem.

29. Estimating the rate of degradation of cellulose fibers in water.

30. Quelques caractéristiques des communautés d'Orbates (Acari: Oribatei) dans trois biocénoses de Moyenne-Belgique.

31. Bidiversity and stability of grassland ecosystem functioning.

32. Indicators of biodiversity and ecosystem services: a synthesis across ecosystems and spatial scales.

33. Using trophic hierarchy to understand food web structure.

34. Species richness enhances both algal biomass and rates of oxygen production in aquatic microcosms.

35. Dispersal, edaphic fidelity and speciation in species-rich Western Australian shrublands: evaluating a neutral model of biodiversity.

36. Context-dependent effects of predator removal from experimental microcosm communities.

37. The interplay between species’ positive and negative interactions shapes the community biomass–species richness relationship.

38. The distribution and abundance of animal populations in a climate of uncertainty.

39. Effects of resources and predation on the predictability of community composition.

40. Does universal temperature dependence apply to communities? An experimental test using natural marine plankton assemblages.

41. Competition as a structuring force in leaf miner communities.

42. Orchid mycorrhiza: implications of a mycophagous life style.

43. Predator shadows: complex life histories as generators of spatially patterned indirect interactions across ecosystems.

44. Functional diversity predicts overyielding effect of species combination on primary productivity.

45. A consumer's guide to nestedness analysis.

46. Long-term persistence of a positive plant diversity–productivity relationship in the absence of legumes.

47. Network position of hosts in food webs and their parasite diversity.

48. Does Liebig's law of the minimum scale up from species to communities?

49. Limitations of entropy maximization in ecology.

50. A neutral-niche theory of nestedness in mutualistic networks.