
Showing total 17 results
17 results

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1. Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning: insights from aquatic systems.

2. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in aquatic microbial systems: a new analysis of temporal variation and species richness-predictability relations.

3. Dispersal, edaphic fidelity and speciation in species-rich Western Australian shrublands: evaluating a neutral model of biodiversity.

4. Context-dependent effects of predator removal from experimental microcosm communities.

5. Functional diversity predicts overyielding effect of species combination on primary productivity.

6. How predictable are reptile responses to wildfire?

7. Chemical diversity – highlighting a species richness and ecosystem function disconnect.

8. Body size mediated coexistence of consumers competing for resources in space.

9. Perturbed partners: opposite responses of plant and animal mutualist guilds to inundation disturbances.

10. Dendrograms and measuring functional diversity.

11. Modes of speciation and the neutral theory of biodiversity.

12. Trend words in ecological core journals over the last 25 years (1978–2002).

13. Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning: emerging issues and their experimental test in aquatic environments.

14. Impacts of multiple stressors on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: the role of species co-tolerance.

15. On similarity among local communities in biodiversity experiments.

16. Ecosystem functioning and intrinsic value of biodiversity.

17. Continuing debate in the face of biodiversity loss.