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86 results

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1. Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning: insights from aquatic systems.

2. Structure and dynamics of pollination networks: the role of alien plants.

3. Distribution of specialist and generalist species along spatial gradients of habitat disturbance and fragmentation.

4. Can the cause of aggregation be inferred from species distributions?

5. A comparison of the species–time relationship across ecosystems and taxonomic groups.

6. Ecological subsystems via graph theory: the role of strongly connected components.

7. Applications of ecological stoichiometry for sustainable acquisition of ecosystem services.

8. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in aquatic microbial systems: a new analysis of temporal variation and species richness-predictability relations.

9. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: recent theoretical advances.

10. Quelques caractéristiques des communautés d'Orbates (Acari: Oribatei) dans trois biocénoses de Moyenne-Belgique.

11. Dispersal, edaphic fidelity and speciation in species-rich Western Australian shrublands: evaluating a neutral model of biodiversity.

12. Context-dependent effects of predator removal from experimental microcosm communities.

13. The interplay between species’ positive and negative interactions shapes the community biomass–species richness relationship.

14. Predator shadows: complex life histories as generators of spatially patterned indirect interactions across ecosystems.

15. Functional diversity predicts overyielding effect of species combination on primary productivity.

16. Long-term persistence of a positive plant diversity–productivity relationship in the absence of legumes.

17. Does Liebig's law of the minimum scale up from species to communities?

18. Limitations of entropy maximization in ecology.

19. Enrichment can damp population cycles: a balance of inflexible and flexible interactions.

20. How predictable are reptile responses to wildfire?

21. Effects of diversity on diversity: consequences of competition and facilitation.

22. Trophic trickles and cascades in a complex food web: impacts of a keystone predator on stream community structure and ecosystem processes.

23. Ecosystem effects of partial fish migration in lakes.

24. Chemical diversity – highlighting a species richness and ecosystem function disconnect.

25. Differences in pollinator faunas may generate geographic differences in floral morphology and integration in Narcissus papyraceus (Amaryllidaceae).

26. Competition and community structure in diurnal arboreal geckos (genus Phelsuma) in the Indian Ocean.

27. Amphibian species richness across environmental gradients.

28. A review of similarity between seed bank and standing vegetation across ecosystems.

29. Individual foraging specialization: niche width versus niche overlap.

30. Global patterns of aquatic food chain length.

31. Body size mediated coexistence of consumers competing for resources in space.

32. Perturbed partners: opposite responses of plant and animal mutualist guilds to inundation disturbances.

33. The role of metacommunity processes in shaping invertebrate rock pool communities along a dispersal gradient.

34. Dendrograms and measuring functional diversity.

35. The complementarity of single-species and ecosystem-oriented research in conservation research.

36. A mathematical and statistical framework for modelling dispersal.

37. Biomechanical warfare in ecology; negative interactions between species by habitat modification.

38. Are alternative stable states more likely in high stress environments? Logic and available evidence do not support Didham et al. 2005.

39. Modes of speciation and the neutral theory of biodiversity.

40. The role of local and regional processes in structuring larval dragonfly distributions across habitat gradients.

41. Quantifying temporal variability in population abundances.

42. Species abundance models and patterns in dragonfly communities: effects of fish predators.

43. When are alternative stable states more likely to occur?

44. Alternative stable states, trait dispersion and ecological restoration.

45. Latitudinal gradients of species richness: a test of the geographic area hypothesis at two ecological scales.

46. A bounded null model explains juvenile tree community structure along light availability gradients in a temperate rain forest.

47. Incorporating fundamental laws of biology and physics into population ecology: the metaphysiological approach.

48. Deleting species from model food webs.

49. On the roles of time, space and habitat in a boreal small mammal assemblage: predictably stochastic assembly.

50. Selective gopher disturbance influences plant species effects on nitrogen cycling.