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1. System simulation to identify environmental research needs: mercury contamination.

2. An improved temperature integrator for use in ecology.

3. A statistical study of microdistribution of Oribatei (Aeari) Part I. The distribution pattern.

4. Quelques caractéristiques des communautés d'Orbates (Acari: Oribatei) dans trois biocénoses de Moyenne-Belgique.

5. Interspecific competition in lake-dwelling triclads.

6. Animal impact on vegetation and plant succession in Lake Manyara National Park, Tanzania.

7. Primary colonization of Surtsey, with special reference to the blue-green algae.

8. Relationships between levels of radiocesium in dominant plants and arthropods in a contaminated streambed community.


10. A method of measuring salt marsh inundation.

11. Further Observations on the Survival and Flowering of Some Perennial Herbs, I

12. Littoral Oxygen Depletion Produced by a Cover of Elodea canadensis

13. Acari and Collembola of Moorland Soils from Yorkshire, England: II. Vertical Distribution in Four Grassland Soils

14. Ecological Investigations on the Fly Ophrys, Ophrys insectifera L. in Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark

15. The first international congress of ecology.

16. Systems Analysis as Applied to Modeling Ecological Processes

17. Land Use and Bird Fauna on Shores in Southern Sweden

18. Growth and Plant Nutrient Concentration in Hylocomium Proliferum (L.) Lindb. in Relation to Tree Canopy

19. A Contribution to the Biology of the British Spiders belonging to the Genus Dysdera

20. Caloric Values of Plant and Insect Species of a Tropical Grassland

21. An Improved Temperature Integrator for Use in Ecology

22. A Compartment Model of Herbage Dynamics for Indian Tropical Grasslands

23. Factors Limiting the Survival of Corynephorus canescens (L.) Beauv. in Great Britain at the Northern Edge of Its Distribution

24. Pollen Analysis of Mor Humus Layers from a Native Scots Pine Ecosystem, Interpreted with Surface Samples

25. Simultaneous Analysis of Several Growth Factors in Hylotrupes Larvae

26. Production Ecology III. Shoot Production in phragmites in Relation to Habitat

27. Contemporary Pollen Studies in a Native Scots Pine Ecosystem