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2. Citing practices in ecology: can we believe our own words?

3. Host concealment: a determinant for host acceptance and feeding in an ectoparasitoid wasp.

4. Species’ borders: a unifying theme in ecology.

5. Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning: insights from aquatic systems.

6. How should a dendrogram-based measure of functional diversity function? A rejoinder to Petchey and Gaston.

7. Elements of ecology and evolution.

8. Preface.

9. Context-dependence in plant-herbivore interactions: Introduction to the symposium.

10. Modelling occurrence and abundance of species when detection is imperfect.

11. Long food chains are in general chaotic.

12. Detecting the causes of population cycles by analysis of R-functions: the spruce needle-miner,Epinotia tedella, and its parasitoids in Danish spruce plantations.

13. Nutritional ecology of insect–plant interactions: persistent handicaps and the need for innovative approaches.

14. Does population ecology have general laws?

15. The cost of reproduction and sexual selection

16. Connecting the parameters of local extinction and metapopulation dynamics

17. Population cycles in voles and lemmings: density dependence and phase dependence in a stochastic world

18. A reliability theoretical quest for keystones

20. Comment to Oksanen (2001): reconciling Oksanen (2001) and Hurlbert (1984).

23. Editorial.

24. Structure and dynamics of pollination networks: the role of alien plants.

25. Partial least squares regression as an alternative to current regression methods used in ecology.

26. Tree size distributions in an old-growth temperate forest.

27. Evaluating the relative importance of patch quality and connectivity in a damselfly metapopulation from a one-season survey.

28. Reproductive parameters vary with social and ecological factors in the polygynous ant Formica exsecta.

29. Distribution of specialist and generalist species along spatial gradients of habitat disturbance and fragmentation.

30. Host-parasitoid spatial dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes.

31. What are 60 warblers worth? Killing in the name of conservation.

32. Combining population genetics and demographical approaches in evolutionary studies of plant mating systems.

33. Can the cause of aggregation be inferred from species distributions?

34. Antagonism between bacteria and fungi: substrate competition and a possible tradeoff between fungal growth and tolerance towards bacteria.

35. Habitat use under latent predation risk. A case study with wintering forest birds.

36. A comparison of the species–time relationship across ecosystems and taxonomic groups.

37. Functional response: rigorous estimation and sensitivity to genetic variation in prey.

38. Function and “functioning” in ecology: what does it mean?

39. Ecological subsystems via graph theory: the role of strongly connected components.

40. Regulation of root vole population dynamics by food supply and predation: a two-factor experiment.

41. Applications of ecological stoichiometry for sustainable acquisition of ecosystem services.

42. Nested species assemblages as a tool to detect sensitivity to forest fragmentation: the case of cloud forest birds.

43. Empirical perspectives on species borders: from traditional biogeography to global change.

44. Species’ geographic ranges and distributional limits: pattern analysis and statistical issues.

45. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in aquatic microbial systems: a new analysis of temporal variation and species richness-predictability relations.

46. Rings, circles, and null-models for point pattern analysis in ecology.

47. The distance dependence prediction of the Janzen-Connell hypothesis: a meta-analysis.

48. Recruitment rates exhibit high elasticity and high temporal variation in populations of a short-lived perennial herb.

49. A scalar analysis of landscape connectivity.

50. Current measures of nutrient resorption efficiency lead to a substantial underestimation of real resorption efficiency: facts and solutions.