Ajtić, Jelena, Todorović, Dragana, Nikolić, Jelena D., Đurđević, Vladimir S., Ajtić, Jelena, Todorović, Dragana, Nikolić, Jelena D., and Đurđević, Vladimir S.
Activities of 7Be and 210Pb were monitored in surface air in Belgrade, Serbia, from 2004 to 2012. The measurements were taken from two locations, in an open field of a city suburb and in the central city area. The activities were determined on HPGe detectors by standard gamma spectrometry. The 7Be activity shows a pronounced seasonal pattern, with the maximum in spring-summer and minimum in winter, while the 210Pb activity exhibits two maxima, in autumn and late winter. The mean monthly concentrations measured at both sites are below 9 mBq/m3 and 1.3 mBq/m3 for 7Be and 210Pb, respectively. The obtained correlation of the 7Be activity with the number of sun-spots is not statistically significant. Relations of the radionuclides' activities with climate variables (precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, cloud cover, sunshine hours, and atmospheric pressure) are also investigated, but the only significant correlations are found for the 7Be activity with temperature and sunshine hours, and the 210Pb activity with atmospheric pressure. The maximum 7Be and 210Pb activities corresponding to binned total monthly precipitation data imply different modes of the radionuclide scavenging from the atmosphere. During dry periods, accumulation of the radionuclides in the atmosphere leads to their increased activities, but no correlation was found between the activities and the number of consecutive dry days., Aktivnosti 7Be i 210Pb merene su tokom 2004-2012, u prizemnom sloju atmosfere na dve lokacije u Beogradu. Mesečne specifične aktivnosti određene su standardnom metodom spektrometrije gama zračenja na HPGe detektorima. Aktivnosti radionuklida pokazuju sezonski karakter: 7Be ima maksimum tokom proleća i leta, a minimum zimi, dok 210Pb ima dva maksimuma, tokom jeseni i kasne zime. Na obe lokacije, srednje mesečne aktivnosti 7Be su manje od 9 mBq/m3, dok su za 210Pb manje od 1.3 mBq/m3. Između aktivnosti 7Be i broja sunčevih pega nije nađena statistički značajna korelacija. Relacije između aktivnosti ovih radionuklida i klimatskih parametara (količina padavina, temperatura, relativna vlažnost, oblačnost, broj sunčanih sati i atmosferski pritisak) takođe su ispitane, ali su značajne korelacije dobijene samo za aktivnost 7Be sa temperaturom i brojem sunčanih sati, odnosno za aktivnost 210Pb sa atmosferskim pritiskom. Na osnovu veze između maksimalne aktivnosti po intervalima količine padavina, mogu se razlikovati tri režima spiranja radionuklida iz atmosfere. Tokom sušnih perioda, akumulacija radionuklida u atmosferi uzrokuje njihovu povišenu aktivnost, ali korelacija između aktivnosti i broja uzastopnih suvih dana nije dobijena.