Shell model calculations on nuclei in the region 28 < A "< 40 are performed with the as- sumption of an inert 2aSi core. The theory underlying these calculations has been described in an earlier paper. The numerical results are presented here. The values of the two-particle interac- .tions in the 2s~ ld t shell and the binding energies to the ~sSi core of 2s~ and ld t particles are derived from experimental level energies. The calculated energies, spins and configurations of about 400 levels are listed. With the nuclear wave functions obtained, the spectroscopic factors for stripping reactions are calculated and, where possible, compared with the experimental data. (two-particle) interactions between nucleons in the various configurations of the 2s~ 1 d~t shell can be expressed in terms of fifteen interaction energies of two-particle configurations. With the binding energies (to the 28Si core) of a nucleon in the 2s~ shell and in the ld~ shell one thus obtains seventeen parameters in terms of which the interaction matrix elements of the nuclear Hamiltonian can be expressed. Most of the necessary two-particle interactions are diagonal; however, some non-diagonal inter- actions are also needed to evaluate the mixing between states of different configura- tions, but with the same spin and isospin. The best values of the seventeen parameters are obtained from a least-squares fitting procedure, in which computed energies are compared with energies of a number of states with experimentally well-known spin and isospin. This requires linearization and iteration processes, also described in paper I. A tentative set of the parameters was obtained by a preliminary inspection of the experimental data and comparison with Arima's results 2). For the first run on the computer only the energies of ground states and a few first excited states were utilized. With the parameters obtained in this way, the energies of more states were computed and compared with experiment. Some of these states were selected and taken along in the next computer run. This process was repeated several times. Altogether fifty states were taken along in the final fitting procedure. With the values of the parameters thus obtained, the energies and wave functions