The human spaceflight environment is notable for the unique factor of microgravity, which exerts numerous physiologic effects on macroscopic organisms, but how this environment may affect single-celled microbes is less clear. In an effort to understand how the microbial transcriptome responds to the unique environment of spaceflight, the model Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis was flown on two separate missions to the International Space Station in experiments dubbed BRIC-21 and BRIC-23. Cells were grown to late-exponential/early stationary phase, frozen, then returned to Earth for RNA-seq analysis in parallel with matched ground control samples. A total of 91 genes were significantly differentially expressed in both experiments; 55 exhibiting higher transcript levels in flight samples and 36 showing higher transcript levels in ground control samples. Genes upregulated in flight samples notably included those involved in biofilm formation, biotin and arginine biosynthesis, siderophores, manganese transport, toxin production and resistance, and sporulation inhibition. Genes preferentially upregulated in ground control samples notably included those responding to oxygen limitation, e.g., fermentation, anaerobic respiration, subtilosin biosynthesis, and anaerobic regulatory genes. The results indicated differences in oxygen availability between flight and ground control samples, likely due to differences in cell sedimentation and the toroidal shape assumed by the liquid cultures in microgravity.