
Showing total 1,112 results
1,112 results

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201. Active label distribution learning

202. Addressing the multi-label imbalance for neural networks: An approach based on stratified mini-batches

203. Virtual guide automatic berthing control of marine ships based on heuristic dynamic programming iteration method

204. TTPP: Temporal Transformer with Progressive Prediction for efficient action anticipation

205. Relevant information undersampling to support imbalanced data classification

206. The theoretical research of generative adversarial networks: an overview

207. Attentive multi-view deep subspace clustering net

208. Vibration fault diagnosis based on stochastic configuration neural networks

209. Residual error based knowledge distillation

210. Efficient attention based deep fusion CNN for smoke detection in fog environment

211. Robust adversarial discriminative domain adaptation for real-world cross-domain visual recognition

212. Commonalities-, specificities-, and dependencies-enhanced multi-task learning network for judicial decision prediction

213. Multi-level attentive deep user-item representation learning for recommendation system

214. 3D-RVP: A method for 3D object reconstruction from a single depth view using voxel and point

215. Inference guided feature generation for generalized zero-shot learning

216. A trust-aware latent space mapping approach for cross-domain recommendation

217. Aspect-level sentiment analysis using context and aspect memory network

218. JDGAN: Enhancing generator on extremely limited data via joint distribution

219. A loss-balanced multi-task model for simultaneous detection and segmentation

220. Fault diagnosis with synchrosqueezing transform and optimized deep convolutional neural network: An application in modular multilevel converters

221. Multi-stage attention spatial-temporal graph networks for traffic prediction

222. TrajVAE: A Variational AutoEncoder model for trajectory generation

223. Metaphor identification: A contextual inconsistency based neural sequence labeling approach

224. Towards augmented kernel extreme learning models for bankruptcy prediction: Algorithmic behavior and comprehensive analysis

225. A graph embedding based model for fine-grained POI recommendation

226. A cognitive brain model for multimodal sentiment analysis based on attention neural networks

227. Differentially private ensemble learning for classification

228. BayeSuites: An open web framework for massive Bayesian networks focused on neuroscience

229. Utterance-focusing multiway-matching network for dialogue-based multiple-choice machine reading comprehension

230. Instance search based on weakly supervised feature learning

231. A new method for intelligent fault diagnosis of machines based on unsupervised domain adaptation

232. Minor class-based status detection for pipeline network using enhanced generative adversarial networks

233. Attentive preference personalized recommendation with sentence-level explanations

234. Towards unsupervised text multi-style transfer with parameter-sharing scheme

235. Knowledge-guided semantic computing network

236. Traffic flow prediction over muti-sensor data correlation with graph convolution network

237. Posture coordination control of two-manipulator system using projection neural network

238. Causality extraction based on self-attentive BiLSTM-CRF with transferred embeddings

239. Graph-based reasoning model for multiple relation extraction

240. Defense against neural trojan attacks: A survey

241. Atrous convolutional feature network for weakly supervised semantic segmentation

242. Deep spatio-temporal graph convolutional network for traffic accident prediction

243. CASINet: Content-Adaptive Scale Interaction Networks for scene parsing

244. Unsupervised learning based coordinated multi-task allocation for unmanned surface vehicles

245. A new method of data missing estimation with FNN-based tensor heterogeneous ensemble learning for internet of vehicle

246. A neural collaborative filtering method for identifying miRNA-disease associations

247. Long- and short-term self-attention network for sequential recommendation

248. Reweighting and information-guidance networks for Few-Shot Learning

249. Observer-based distributed consensus for multi-agent systems with directed networks and input saturation

250. A review on transfer learning in EEG signal analysis