
Showing total 1,112 results
1,112 results

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51. An attribute extending method to improve learning performance for small datasets

52. Exploring the effect of data reduction on Neural Network and Support Vector Machine classification

53. Adaptive neural network prescribed performance matrix projection synchronization for unknown complex dynamical networks with different dimensions

54. Two birds with one stone: Classifying positive and unlabeled examples on uncertain data streams

55. Selecting label-dependent features for multi-label classification

56. An improved recommendation algorithm for big data cloud service based on the trust in sociology

57. Description and classification for facilitating interoperability of heterogeneous data/events/services in the Internet of Things

58. The definition of a measure of artificial neural network design quality based on a Statistical Index of Quality

59. Application of self-organizing map to failure modes and effects analysis methodology

60. Gene selection in autism – Comparative study

61. Pre-training the deep generative models with adaptive hyperparameter optimization

62. Gram–Schmidt process based incremental extreme learning machine

63. Co-evolutionary multi-task learning with predictive recurrence for multi-step chaotic time series prediction

64. Robust subspace neuro-fuzzy system with data ordering

65. H∞state estimation for memristive neural networks with multiple fading measurements

66. Learning deep event models for crowd anomaly detection

67. A MOEA/D-based multi-objective optimization algorithm for remote medical

68. Person re-identification based on multi-instance multi-label learning

69. Orthogonal least squares regression for feature extraction

70. Ontology representation and mapping of common fuzzy knowledge

71. Depth estimation with convolutional conditional random field network

72. Robust vehicle detection by combining deep features with exemplar classification

73. Linear optimal filtering for time-delay networked systems subject to missing measurements with individual occurrence probability

74. Novel Bayesian inference on optimal parameters of support vector machines and its application to industrial survey data classification

75. PT-LDA: A latent variable model to predict personality traits of social network users

76. Breaking down violence detection: Combining divide-et-impera and coarse-to-fine strategies

77. Transfer subspace learning for cross-dataset facial expression recognition

78. A classification model for semantic entailment recognition with feature combination

79. Novel Grouping Method-based support vector machine plus for structured data

80. Local structure learning in high resolution remote sensing image retrieval

81. Self-adjusting feature maps network and its applications

82. UDSFS: Unsupervised deep sparse feature selection

83. A parallel adaptive segmentation method based on SOM and GPU with application to MRI image processing

84. CP-activated WASD neuronet approach to Asian population prediction with abundant experimental verification

85. Efficient Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation-based Regularized Extreme Learning Machine

86. Self-representation nearest neighbor search for classification

87. Feature screening and variable selection for partially linear models with ultrahigh-dimensional longitudinal data

88. A Multi-purpose countermeasure against image anti-forensics using autoregressive model

89. A MPRM-based approach for fault diagnosis against outliers

90. Advances and trends in visual crowd analysis: A systematic survey and evaluation of crowd modelling techniques

91. ActiveAd: A novel framework of linking ad videos to online products

92. Auto-encoder based dimensionality reduction

93. Deep learning for visual understanding: A review

94. Extreme Learning Surrogate Models in Multi-objective Optimization based on Decomposition

95. Two practical performance indexes for monitoring the Rhine–Meuse Delta water network via wavelet-based probability density function

96. From sample selection to model update: A robust online visual tracking algorithm against drifting

97. Sparse coding in early visual representation: From specific properties to general principles

98. Improving the BoVW via discriminative visual n-grams and MKL strategies

99. Local learning-based feature weighting with privacy preservation

100. Automated detection of epileptic EEGs using a novel fusion feature and extreme learning machine