
Showing total 59 results
59 results

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1. A lexicographic cooperative co-evolutionary approach for feature selection.

2. Distributed robust support vector ordinal regression under label noise.

3. Decentralized AdaBoost algorithm over sensor networks.

4. Wavelet extreme learning machine and deep learning for data classification.

5. A knowledge-guide hierarchical learning method for long-tailed image classification.

6. Scalable and memory-efficient sparse learning for classification with approximate Bayesian regularization priors.

7. Atom-substituted tensor dictionary learning enhanced convolutional neural network for hyperspectral image classification.

8. Bacterial colony algorithm with adaptive attribute learning strategy for feature selection in classification of customers for personalized recommendation.

9. A tutorial on distance metric learning: Mathematical foundations, algorithms, experimental analysis, prospects and challenges.

10. Private and common feature learning with adversarial network for RGBD object classification.

11. Discriminant sub-dictionary learning with adaptive multiscale superpixel representation for hyperspectral image classification.

12. A novel automatic two-stage locally regularized classifier construction method using the extreme learning machine

13. Label-dependent node classification in the network

14. Classification using link prediction.

15. Incremental learning with multi-level adaptation

16. Support vector machine classification for large data sets via minimum enclosing ball clustering

17. Classification and generation of real-world data with an associative memory model.

18. Probabilistic group nearest neighbor query optimization based on classification using ELM.

19. Multi-train: A semi-supervised heterogeneous ensemble classifier.

20. A double-elimination-tournament-based competitive co-evolutionary artificial neural network classifier.

21. An improved maximum spread algorithm with application to complex-valued RBF neural networks.

22. Using unsupervised clustering approach to train the Support Vector Machine for text classification.

23. An improved Fisher discriminant vector employing updated between-scatter matrix.

24. Feature selection of unreliable data using an improved multi-objective PSO algorithm.

25. Update vs. upgrade: Modeling with indeterminate multi-class active learning.

26. Making risk minimization tolerant to label noise.

27. Feature selection based on closed frequent itemset mining: A case study on SAGE data classification.

28. The imprecise Dirichlet model as a basis for a new boosting classification algorithm.

29. Dynamic neural network architecture inspired by the immune algorithm to predict preterm deliveries in pregnant women.

30. Image parsing by loopy dynamic programming.

31. A novel supervised feature extraction and classification fusion algorithm for land cover recognition of the off-land scenario.

32. A robust least squares support vector machine for regression and classification with noise.

33. Parallel evaluation of Pittsburgh rule-based classifiers on GPUs.

34. Using clustering analysis to improve semi-supervised classification

35. Sphere Support Vector Machines for large classification tasks

36. Geometric algorithms for parametric-margin vector machine

37. Meta-cognitive Neural Network for classification problems in a sequential learning framework

38. A fully complex-valued radial basis function classifier for real-valued classification problems

39. Extended local tangent space alignment for classification

40. Kernel sparse representation based classification

41. ReliefF-MI: An extension of ReliefF to multiple instance learning

42. A probabilistic, discriminative and distributed system for the recognition of human actions from multiple views

43. Fast training of support vector machines on the Cell processor

44. An efficient feature selection method for mobile devices with application to activity recognition

45. Pruning least objective contribution in KMSE

46. Discriminative learning by sparse representation for classification

47. Large-margin nearest neighbor classifiers via sample weight learning

48. Localized twin SVM via convex minimization

49. A clustering based hybrid system for biomarker selection and sample classification of mass spectrometry data

50. Meta-learning for imbalanced data and classification ensemble in binary classification