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46 results

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1. Towards accurate estimation for visual object tracking with multi-hierarchy feature aggregation

2. Intrusion detection approach based on optimised artificial neural network

3. Recent advances of single-object tracking methods: A brief survey

4. Efficient similarity search on multidimensional space of biometric databases

5. A predictive and user-centric approach to Machine Learning in data streaming scenarios

6. A deep neural network ensemble of multimodal signals for classifying excavator operations

7. Wavelet extreme learning machine and deep learning for data classification

8. KAICD: A knowledge attention-based deep learning framework for automatic ICD coding

9. A subgraph-based knowledge reasoning method for collective fraud detection in E-commerce

10. Joint structured pruning and dense knowledge distillation for efficient transformer model compression

11. Deep supervised learning using self-adaptive auxiliary loss for COVID-19 diagnosis from imbalanced CT images

12. D-MmT: A concise decoder-only multi-modal transformer for abstractive summarization in videos

13. Incorporating explicit syntactic dependency for aspect level sentiment classification

14. Improving the detection of robot anomalies by handling data irregularities

15. Progressive low-rank subspace alignment based on semi-supervised joint domain adaption for personalized emotion recognition

16. Robust multi-view fuzzy clustering via softmin

17. Learning word representation by jointly using neighbor and syntactic contexts

18. Utilizing graph neural networks to improving dialogue-based relation extraction

19. Intent-enhanced attentive Bert capsule network for zero-shot intention detection

20. Context Prior based Semantic-Spatial Graph Network for Human Parsing

21. PILHNB: Popularity, interests, location used hidden Naive Bayesian-based model for link prediction in dynamic social networks

22. Preparing lessons: Improve knowledge distillation with better supervision

23. Link prediction-based influence maximization in online social networks

24. Bas-relief modelling from enriched detail and geometry with deep normal transfer

25. Video person re-identification with global statistic pooling and self-attention distillation

26. The prior probability in the batch classification of imbalanced data streams

27. The generative adversarial network improved by channel relationship learning mechanisms

28. Spatial–temporal pooling for action recognition in videos

29. Hashing person re-ID with self-distilling smooth relaxation

30. Bias-reduced hindsight experience replay with virtual goal prioritization

31. Multi-scale and multi-pooling sparse filtering: A simple and effective representation learning method for intelligent fault diagnosis

32. A survey on generative adversarial network-based text-to-image synthesis

33. DECN: Dialogical emotion correction network for conversational emotion recognition

34. Crowd counting based on attention-guided multi-scale fusion networks

35. HGEED: Hierarchical graph enhanced event detection

36. Factored heterogeneous similarity model for recommendation with implicit feedback

37. Knowledge Graph enhanced Neural Collaborative Filtering with Residual Recurrent Network

38. MASAD: A large-scale dataset for multimodal aspect-based sentiment analysis

39. Incorporating sentimental trend into gated mechanism based transformer network for story ending generation

40. Coupling Adversarial Graph Embedding for transductive zero-shot action recognition

41. GSEN: An ensemble deep learning benchmark model for urban hotspots spatiotemporal prediction

42. A survey on regional level set image segmentation models based on the energy functional similarity measure

43. IPMGAN: Integrating physical model and generative adversarial network for underwater image enhancement

44. A transfer approach with attention reptile method and long-term generation mechanism for few-shot traffic prediction

45. Towards online myoelectric control based on muscle synergies-to-force mapping for robotic applications

46. End-to-end aspect-based sentiment analysis with hierarchical multi-task learning