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1. Some Numerical Criteria for the Nash Problem on Arcs for Surfaces

2. Some Groups of Type E7

3. On a generalization of test ideals

4. Convergence of the zeta functions of prehomogeneous vector spaces

5. On the dimension and multiplicity of local cohomology modules

6. On a class of numbers generated by differencial equations related with algebraic groups

7. The fundamental unit and bounds for class numbers of real quadratic fields


9. Vertices of ideals of a -adic number field II

10. A Note on Gorenstein Rings of Embedding Codimension Three

11. Hilbert-Samuel polynomials for the contravariant extension functor

12. Limits of Characters of Wreath Products 𝔖n(T) of a Compact Group T With the Symmetric Groups and Characters of 𝔖∞(T), I

13. Characterization of Domains in ℂn by their Noncompact Automorphism Groups

14. Hartogs Type Theorems for CR L2 Functions on Coverings of Strongly Pseudoconvex Manifolds

15. Singular Localization and Intertwining Functors for Reductive Lie Algebras in Prime Characteristic

16. Combinatorial descriptions of toric extremal Contractions

17. Topological triviality of families of functions on analytic varieties

18. Algebraic dependence of meromorphic mappings in value distribution theory

19. Nilpotency and triviality of mod p Morita-Mumford classes of mapping class groups of surfaces

20. On the Galois module structure of ideal class groups

21. Formulae for the relative class number of an imaginary abelian field in the form of a determinant

22. Gorenstein Schemes on General Hypersurfaces of ℙr

23. Pesin’s entropy formula for endomorphisms

24. On twisting operators and newforms of half-integral weight II – Complete theory of newforms for Kohnen space

25. Criterion of (Lp, Lr) boundedness for a class of multilinear oscillatory singular integrals

26. A note on a formula of the Lévy-Khinchin type in quantum probability

27. Rank 2 symmetric hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras

28. Units and Cyclotomic Units in Zp-Extensions

29. Double covers of Pn as very ample divisors

30. On the structure of local cohomology modules for monomial curves in

31. Decomposition problem of probability measures related to monotone regularly varying functions

32. Solvability of the diophantine equation x2 − Dy2 = ± 2 and new invariants for real quadratic fields

33. Centroaffine immersions of codimension two and projective hypersurface theory

34. Rees algebras of non-singular equimultiple prime ideals

35. The ideal boundaries and global geometric properties of complete open surfaces

36. Letter to the editor: General Néron desingularization and approximation

37. Hartman’s theorem for hyperbolic sets

38. Ternary quadratic forms and Shimura’s correspondence

39. On the structure of splitting fields of stationary Gaussian processes with finite multiple Markovian property

40. The Topological Support of Gaussian Measure in Banach Space

41. Remarks to the uniqueness problem of meromorphic maps into PN(C), IV

42. On the maximal abelianℓ-extension of a finite algebraic number field with given ramification

43. A relation between order and defects of meromorphic mappings of Cn into Pn(C)

44. On the unramified extensions of the prime cyclotomic number field and its quadratic extensions

45. Onp-adicL-functions and cyclotomic fields. II

46. Maximal sets and fragments of Peano arithmetic

47. Nonstandard Arithmetic of Polynomial Rings

48. On the existence of optimal control for controlled stochastic partial differential equations

49. Gauss’s ternary form reduction and its application to a prime decomposition symbol

50. On maximal orders of division quaternion algebras over the rational number field with certain optimal embeddings