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1. A remark to the paper of H. Hadwiger ?�berdeckung des Raumes durch translationsgleiche Punktmengen und Nachbarnzahl?

2. Commutativity of operators on the lattice of existence varieties

3. Zyklische Orientierungen endlicher bewerteter Graphen

4. Exklusive Graphen und Hamiltonche Graphenn-ten Grades II

5. �ber ein Problem von Mordell in der Geometrie der Zahlen

6. Achtdimensionale lokalkompakte Translationsebenen mit gro�en kompakten Kollineationsgruppen

7. On absolutely independent group axioms

8. Reiter?s Condition P1 and Approximate Identities for Polynomial Hypergroups

9. On the Blow-Up Set For $u_t=(u^m)_{xx}, \ m > 1$ , with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions

10. On Cocycles with Values in the Group SU(2)

11. On the Multidimensional Distribution of Inversive Congruential Pseudorandom Numbers in Parts of the Period

12. Intertwining operators and polynomials associated with the symmetric group

13. Lower bounds for the discrepancy of triples of inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers with power of two modulus

14. Autour du th�or�me de Roth

15. Products of idempotent endomorphisms of free acts of infinite rank

16. Une famille remarquable de suites recurrentes lineaires

17. On the number ofS-integral solutions toY m =f(X)

18. Nonoverlapping pairs of explicit inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers

19. General discrepancy estimates III: The Erd�s-Tur�n-Koksma inequality for the Haar function system

20. Sur un probl�me de R�nyi

21. ZS-metacyclic groups and their endomorphism near-rings

22. Comportement moyen du cardinal de certains ensembles de facteurs premiers

23. The distribution of 4-full numbers

24. On the integersn for which ?(n)=k (II)

25. On generalized quadratic equations in three prime variables

26. Point sets with uniformity properties and orthogonal hypercubes

27. Linearization and connection coefficients of orthogonal polynomials

28. Sur les fonctions entieres arithmetiques au sens d'Abel

29. On the minimal convex annulus of a planar convex body

30. Entourage uniformities for frames

31. Permutation polynomials of the formx r f(x q?1)/d) and their group structure

32. Semimodularity of the congruence lattice on regular ?-semigroups

33. Medial and distributively generated near-rings

34. A markov type inequality for higher derivatives of polynomials

35. On the asymptotic behaviour of sums ?g(n){x/n} k

36. Capacity of sets and uniform distribution of sequences

37. The connection between the zeros of the ?-function and sequences(g(p)), p prime, mod 1

38. On two finite covering problems of Bambah, Rogers, Woods and Zassenhaus

39. �ber die Gr��enordnung der Teilerfunktion in Restklassen

40. Medial near-rings

41. Die Verb�nde mit nichteinfacher Funktionenalgebra

42. The expected number of parts in a partition ofn

43. Density functions for prime and relatively prime numbers

44. The topological entropy of the transformationx ?ax (1?x)

45. Topologically transitive subsets of piecewise monotonic maps, which contain no periodic points

46. On the lower Markov spectrum

47. Special subdivisions ofK 4 and 4-chromatic graphs

48. On the maximum genus of some graphs with upper imbeddable subgraphs

49. Automorphismen nilpotenter proendlicher Gruppen

50. The dispersion of the Hammersley Sequence in the unit square