1. Socratic autonomy and sophistic manipulation in moral education
- Author
Guć, Josip
- Subjects
Sokrat ,sofisti ,etika ,filozofija odgoja ,vrlina ,autonomija ,Socrates ,Sophists ,ethics ,philosophy of education ,virtue ,autonomy - Abstract
U ovom radu pokušavam naznačiti određene elemente Sokratove filozofije kojima bi se odgojna praksa trebala voditi, kao i neke štetne implikacije sofističkog pristupa odgoju. Pri analizi Sokratove pozicije osobito se oslanjam na Vlastosove interpretacije, a posebice se osvrćem na Sokratovu tezu da se vrlina ne može poučavati. Pored ostaloga, ona upućuje na nedoktrinarni pristup moralno-odgojnoj praksi, kakav ne može proizaći iz suprotnih Protagorinih uvjerenja. Partikularno i utilitarno usmjeren odgoj kod sofista danas se osobito javlja u odgojnom (ili bolje: manipulatorskom) prijenosu nacionalnih, poslovnih i sličnih tobožnjih etika, nemoćnih po pitanju prepoznavanja i prevladavanja postojećih društveno-ekonomskih okvira, a za što Sokratova moralno-odgojna filozofija sadrži kritičku snagu koja prvenstveno proizlazi iz implicitnog naglaska na autonomiji., In this paper I try to indicate particular elements of Socrates’ philosophy by which educational practice should be guided, as well as certain harmful implications of Sophistic approach to education. In analysis of Socrates’ position, I especially rely on Vlastos’ interpretations, and particularly I refer to Socrates’ thesis that virtue cannot be taught. Among other things, it suggests a non-doctrinal approach to moral-educational practice, which cannot result from Protagoras’ opposite beliefs. Nowadays Sophistic particular- and utilitarian-oriented education occurs especially in the educational (or better: manipulative) transmission of national, business and similar so-called ethics, which are not able for recognizing and overcoming of the existing socio-economic framework, and for which Socrates’ moral-educational philosophy contains critical force, arising primarily out of the emphasis on autonomy.
- Published
- 2022