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723 results

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1. Rorty and metaphilosophy: Richard Rorty: On philosophy and philosophers: unpublished papers, 1960–2000, edited by W. P. Małecki and Chris Voparil. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, 250 pp, $19.00 e-book.

2. Debating Kuhn: Leandro Giri, Pablo Melogno, and Hernán Miguel (eds): Perspectives on Kuhn: contemporary approaches to the philosophy of Thomas Kuhn. Cham: Springer, 2022, x + 187 pp, 105.49€ HB 85.59€ Ebook.

3. Reading the paper to know the past: Carla Bittel, Elaine Leong, and Christine von Oertzen: Working with paper: gendered practice in the history of knowledge. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019, 310pp, $55.00 HB.

4. Shedding new light on Newton's optical writings: Alan Shapiro ed.: The optical papers of Isaac Newton. Volume 1. The optical lectures 1670–1672. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984, 627 pp, £38.99 PB Alan Shapiro ed.: The optical papers of Isaac Newton. Volume 2. The Opticks (1704) and related papers ca.1688–1717. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 423 pp, £150.00 HB

5. Forman at forty: New perspectives on “Weimar culture and quantum mechanics”: Cathryn Carson, Alexei Kojevnikov and Helmut Trischler (eds): Weimar culture and quantum mechanics: Selected papers by Paul Forman and contemporary perspectives on the Forman thesis. London: Imperial College Press and World Scientific, 2011, 560pp, £98.00 HB.

7. A rich resource on scientific knowledge: Kevin McCain and Kostas Kampourakis: What is scientific knowledge? An introduction to contemporary epistemology of science. New York: Routledge, 2019, 328 pp, £ 120 HB.

8. Standing on the shoulders of giants with feet of clay: Nicolas Chevassus-au-Louis: Fraud in the lab: the high stakes of scientific research. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019, transl. Nicholas Elliott, xi+205 pp, $37 HB.

9. Francis Skinner's dictations of Wittgenstein: Arthur Gibson and Niamh O'Mahony (eds.): Ludwig Wittgenstein: dictating philosophy. To Francis Skinner—the Wittgenstein-Skinner manuscripts. Cham: Springer, 2020, xxxii + 469 pp, €56.24 HB

10. Processes and individuals in biological theory and practice: Daniel J. Nicholson and John Dupré (eds.): Everything flows: towards a processual philosophy of biology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 416 pp, £61.00 HB, e-book open access.

11. A foundational text in scientometrics: Derek J. de Solla Price: Little science, big science. New York: Columbia University Press, 1963, x + 118 pp.

12. Putnam's Last Papers: Hilary Putnam: Naturalism, Realism, and Normativity, edited by Mario De Caro. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016, 248 pp, $51.50 HB.

14. Einstein in the public arena.

16. Quantum Disentanglements.

17. Correction to: Philosophical data and the tri-level method.

19. Notices.

20. Book Notices.

21. "For the benefit of the whole civilized world": 350 years of journal publishing at the Royal Society of London: Aileen Fyfe, Noah Moxham, Julie McDougall-Waters and Camilla Mørk Røstvik: A history of scientific journals: publishing at the Royal Society, 1665–2015. London: University College London Press, 2022, £60.00 HB, e-book open access

24. Sameness, schools, and satire: James Elwick: Making a grade: Victorian examinations and the rise of standardized testing. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021, 304 pp, CA$70 HB.

25. Setting the Standard.

28. The shining star of natural selection: James T. Costa: Radical by nature: the revolutionary life of Alfred Russel Wallace. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2023, 515 pp, £15,75 HB.

29. Completing Otto Neurath: Otto Neurath: Gesammelte Schriften. 8 vols. Expanded edition, edited by Rudolf Haller and Friedrich Stadler. Vienna: LIT, 2021–22, vol 1 xvi + 1–527 pp; vol 2 viii + 529–1033 pp; vol 3 xxiii + 674 pp; vol 4 xiii + 561 pp; vol 5 xiv + 633 pp; vol 6 xviii + 717 pp; vol 7 xv + 602 pp; vol 8 xxvii + 376 pp, all volumes €34,80 PB

31. Recent Feyerabendiana.

32. What DNA ancestry testing can and cannot tell us: Sheldon Krimksy: Understanding DNA ancestry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 168 pp, £11.99 PB.

33. Rethinking Reichenbach.

35. Biology and pharmacy under Franco: Antonio González Bueno and Afredo Baratas (eds.): Ciencia útil. Investigación básica y aplicada en Farmacia y Ciencias de la Vida durante el Franquismo. Madrid: Ediciones Complutense, 2019, 343 pp, 24€ PB

36. Middle path realism and anti-realism: Timothy D. Lyons, Peter Vickers (Eds.): Contemporary scientific realism: The challenge from the history of science. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021, 387 pp, $105 HB.

37. Niels Bohr's experimentalist approach to understanding quantum mechanics: Slobodan Perović: From data to quanta: Niels Bohr's vision of physics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021, 244 pp, $45 HB.

40. A medley of philosophy of mathematics.

41. Microscopes of the Ancien Régime.

43. Of Spheroids and Social Justice.

45. The material side of mathematics: Kevin Lambert: Symbols and things. Material mathematics in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021, 318 pp, $55 HB.

46. Wallace's World: Darwin in reverse—From natural selection to natural theology?: Michael A. Flannery: Nature's prophet: Alfred Russel Wallace and his evolution from natural selection to natural theology. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2018, xvi + 260pp. USD$44.95 E-book

48. Dances with Diversity.