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1. Existence and Regularity of Weak Solutions for $$\psi $$-Hilfer Fractional Boundary Value Problem

2. Demicompactness Results for Strongly Continuous Semigroups, Generators and Resolvents

3. Conformality on Semi-Riemannian Manifolds

4. Shifted Legendre Collocation Method for the Flow and Heat Transfer due to a Stretching Sheet Embedded in a Porous Medium with Variable Thickness, Variable Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Radiation

5. On the Convolution of a Finite Number of Analytic Functions Involving a Generalized Srivastava–Attiya Operator

6. Third-Order Corrections in Periodic Homogenization for Elliptic Problem

7. Conjugations and Complex Symmetric Toeplitz Operators on the Weighted Hardy Space

8. Blow-Up Solutions for a Class of Schrödinger Quasilinear Operators with a Local Sublinear Term

9. Existence of Solutions to a Class of p-Kirchhoff Equations via Morse Theory

10. Dirichlet-Type Problems for Certain Beltrami Equations

11. Uncertainty Principle for Space–Time Algebra-Valued Functions

12. Conformal Vector Fields and Ricci Soliton Structures on Natural Riemann Extensions

13. Existence of Ground State Solutions for Fractional Schrödinger–Poisson Systems with Doubly Critical Growth

14. The Structure of Finitely Generated Shift-Invariant Subspaces on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

15. A New Iterative Algorithm for the Multiple-Sets Split Feasibility Problem and the Split Equality Fixed Point Problem

16. Lower Semi-frames, Frames, and Metric Operators

17. Parabolic Hermite Lipschitz Spaces: Regularity of Fractional Operators

18. Hypersurface Data: General Properties and Birkhoff Theorem in Spherical Symmetry

19. Blow-up for Generalized Boussinesq Equation with Double Damping Terms

20. Regularity of Extremal Solutions to Nonlinear Elliptic Equations with Quadratic Convection and General Reaction

21. The Geometry of the Sasaki Metric on the Sphere Bundles of Euclidean Atiyah Vector Bundles

22. Proof for a q-Trigonometric Identity of Gosper

23. Dunford–Henstock–Kurzweil and Dunford–McShane Integrals of Vector-Valued Functions Defined on m-Dimensional Bounded Sets

24. Some Inequalities for the Coefficients in Generalized Fourier Expansions

25. m-Quasi-Einstein Metrics Satisfying Certain Conditions on the Potential Vector Field

26. Multiple Positive Solutions for the Fractional Schrödinger–Poisson Systems Involving Singular Terms

27. Multiple Solutions for a Kirchhoff-Type Equation

28. Property (R) Under Compact Perturbations

29. On the Sum of K-Frames in Hilbert Spaces

30. Some Upper Bounds for the Davis–Wielandt Radius of Hilbert Space Operators

31. Horizontally Conformal Submersions from CR-Submanifolds of Locally Conformal Kähler Manifolds

32. Loxodromes on Invariant Surfaces in Three-Manifolds

33. A Pair of Linear Canonical Hankel Transformations of Random Order

34. On Some Geometric Constants in Banach Spaces

35. Almost Contact Metric Manifolds with Local Riemannian and Ricci Symmetries

36. On Fractional Analogs of Dirichlet and Neumann Problems for the Laplace Equation

37. Split Null Point Problems and Fixed Point Problems for Demicontractive Multivalued Mappings

38. A High-Order Two-Step Phase-Fitted Method for the Numerical Solution of the Schrödinger Equation

39. Linear Preservers of Quadratic Operators

40. Franklin Wavelet Galerkin Method (FWGM) for Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Fredholm Integral Equations

41. Spectral Analysis for a Singular Differential System with Integral Boundary Conditions

42. Invariant Metrizability and Projective Metrizability on Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces

43. Mann and Ishikawa-Type Iterative Schemes for Approximating Fixed Points of Multi-valued Non-Self Mappings

44. Fourier Transforms of Dini–Lipschitz Functions on Rank 1 Symmetric Spaces

45. Semilocal Convergence Analysis of an Iteration of Order Five Using Recurrence Relations in Banach Spaces

46. Fractal Jacobi Systems and Convergence of Fourier–Jacobi Expansions of Fractal Interpolation Functions

47. Existence Results for Some Partial Integro-Differential Equations

48. Ground-State Solutions for Asymptotically Cubic Schrödinger–Maxwell Equations

49. Boundedness of Maximal Operators and Sobolev’s Inequality on Non-Homogeneous Central Musielak–Orlicz–Morrey Spaces

50. Hardy Spaces Associated to Critical Herz Spaces with Variable Exponent