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1. On the Existence of an Extremal Function in the Delsarte Extremal Problem

2. Generalized Multiple Summing Multilinear Operators on Banach Spaces

3. Improving the Approximation of the First- and Second-Order Statistics of the Response Stochastic Process to the Random Legendre Differential Equation

4. Generalized Sasakian Space Forms and Riemannian Manifolds of Quasi Constant Sectional Curvature

5. Conformality on Semi-Riemannian Manifolds

6. A Numerical Method to Solve Higher-Order Fractional Differential Equations

7. Decompositions of Weighted Conditional Expectation Type Operators

8. A Class of Integral Operators that Fix Exponential Functions

9. On Invariant Subspaces in the Lai–Massey Scheme and a Primitivity Reduction

10. Tempered and Hadamard-Type Fractional Calculus with Respect to Functions

11. The r-Dowling–Lah Polynomials

12. Monotonicity Properties Related to the Ratio of Two Gamma Functions

13. A System of p-Laplacian Equations on the Sierpiński Gasket

14. Lower Semi-frames, Frames, and Metric Operators

15. Existence of Positive Solution for a Singular Elliptic Problem with an Asymptotically Linear Nonlinearity

16. Regularity of Extremal Solutions to Nonlinear Elliptic Equations with Quadratic Convection and General Reaction

17. Undominated Sequences of Integrable Functions

18. Waring Rank of Symmetric Tensors, and Singularities of Some Projective Hypersurfaces

19. Extrinsic Flat Surfaces Along a Curve on a Surface in the Unit Three-Sphere

20. Analysis of Impulsive $$\varphi $$–Hilfer Fractional Differential Equations

21. A Nonlinear Extension of Korovkin’s Theorem

22. Dunford–Henstock–Kurzweil and Dunford–McShane Integrals of Vector-Valued Functions Defined on m-Dimensional Bounded Sets

23. Low Perturbations for a Class of Nonuniformly Elliptic Problems

24. Upper Bounds on the First Eigenvalue for the p-Laplacian

25. Some Classes of Nilpotent Associative Algebras

26. Some Remarks on Conformal Symmetries and Bartnik’s Splitting Conjecture

27. Products of Groups and Class Sizes of $$\pi $$-Elements

28. Nonexistence of Global Solutions for a Weakly Coupled System of Semilinear Damped Wave Equations of Derivative Type in the Scattering Case

29. Correction to: Solutions of Complex Fermat-Type Partial Difference and Differential-Difference Equations

30. Loxodromes on Invariant Surfaces in Three-Manifolds

31. Hypercyclicity of Composition Operators on Discrete Weighted Banach Spaces

32. A Class of Schur Multipliers of Matrices with Operator Entries

33. Controllability in Dynamics of Diffusion Processes with Nonlocal Conditions

34. Controlled Surgery and $$\mathbb {L}$$ L -Homology

35. Lower Bounds for Waldschmidt Constants of Generic Lines in $${\mathbb {P}}^3$$ P 3 and a Chudnovsky-Type Theorem

36. On the Third-Order Jacobsthal and Third-Order Jacobsthal–Lucas Sequences and Their Matrix Representations

37. Generalized Choquard Equations Driven by Nonhomogeneous Operators

38. Null Screen Isoparametric Hypersurfaces in Lorentzian Space Forms

39. Correction to: New Properties on Normalized Null Hypersurfaces

40. Invariant Metrizability and Projective Metrizability on Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces

41. Semilocal Convergence Analysis of an Iteration of Order Five Using Recurrence Relations in Banach Spaces

42. Towers and Fibered Products of Model Structures

43. A Spanning Set and Potential Basis of the Mixed Hecke Algebra on Two Fixed Strands

44. Dirichlet Problem, Univalency and Schwarz Lemma for Biharmonic Mappings

45. Diffeomorphic vs Isotopic Links in Lens Spaces

46. Boundary-Nonregular Functions in the Disc Algebra and in Holomorphic Lipschitz Spaces

47. CR Submanifolds of the Nearly Kähler $$\mathbb {S}^3\times \mathbb {S}^3$$ S 3 × S 3 Characterised by Properties of the Almost Product Structure

48. Existence Result for a Superlinear Fractional Navier Boundary Value Problems

49. Directional k-Step Newton Methods in n Variables and its Semilocal Convergence Analysis

50. The Structure of Simple Noncommutative Jordan Superalgebras