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1. Special Ulrich bundles on regular Weierstrass fibrations

2. Remarks on the geodesic-Einstein metrics of a relative ample line bundle

3. Special Lagrangian and deformed Hermitian Yang–Mills on tropical manifold

4. Hurwitz-type bound, knot surgery, and smooth $${\mathbb{S }}^1$$ S 1 -four-manifolds

5. On the polynomiality of orbifold Gromov–Witten theory of root stacks

6. On the extension of holomorphic adjoint sections from reduced unions of strata of divisors

7. On the Steinness of strongly convex K$$\ddot{a}$$hler Finsler manifolds

8. Complete scalar-flat Kähler metrics on affine algebraic manifolds

9. Conormal varieties on the cominuscule Grassmannian-II

10. KAM theory for the reversible perturbations of 2D linear beam equations

11. Holomorphic approximation via Dolbeault cohomology

12. A new equivariant cohomology ring

13. Comparison and Wu’s theorems in Finsler geometry

14. Positive configurations of flags in a building and limits of positive representations

15. Circle actions on almost complex manifolds with 4 fixed points

16. Conformally Einstein–Maxwell Kähler metrics and structure of the automorphism group

17. Generalized metrics and generalized twistor spaces

18. The spectral rigidity of complex projective spaces, revisited

19. Inflexible CR submanifolds

20. Comparison between two analytic torsions on orbifolds

21. Holomorphic symplectic fermions

22. Basic Morse–Novikov cohomology for foliations

23. Deformations of special Legendrian submanifolds in Sasaki–Einstein manifolds

24. Non-symplectic involutions of irreducible symplectic manifolds of $$K3^{[n]}$$ K 3 [ n ] -type

25. Symplectic homology of some Brieskorn manifolds

26. Towards a classification of symplectic automorphisms on manifolds of $$K3^{[n]}$$ K 3 [ n ] type

27. Exotic torus manifolds and equivariant smooth structures on quasitoric manifolds