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1. The small-convection limit in a two-dimensional chemotaxis-Navier–Stokes system

2. A new rearrangement inequality and its application for $$L^2$$ L 2 -constraint minimizing problems

3. On higher dimensional complex Plateau problem

4. Global smooth geodesic foliations of the hyperbolic space

5. Stability of strongly Lipschitz contractible balls in Alexandrov spaces

6. The Mahler measure of a Calabi–Yau threefold and special $$L$$ L -values

7. Multiplicity theorems modulo $$p$$ p for $$\mathbf{GL }_{2}({\mathbf{Q}}_p)$$ GL 2 ( Q p )

8. On a problem of Bourgain concerning the $$L^1$$ -norm of exponential sums

9. A smooth variation of Baas–Sullivan theory and positive scalar curvature

10. A limiting case for the divergence equation

11. On C1-class local diffeomorphisms whose periodic points are nonuniformly expanding

12. On the nullity distribution of a submanifold of a space form

13. Classification of hypersurfaces with constant Möbius curvature in $${\mathbb{S}^{m+1}}$$

14. A proof of Sudakov theorem with strictly convex norms

15. On weighted critical imbeddings of Sobolev spaces

16. The Gauss–Kronecker curvature of minimal hypersurfaces in four-dimensional space forms

17. Knots in Riemannian manifolds

18. Parabolicity of maximal surfaces in Lorentzian product spaces

19. Weights of twisted exponential sums

20. Sobolev estimates for the Cauchy–Riemann complex on C 1 pseudoconvex domains

21. The mean number of sites visited by a pinned random walk

22. The sharp lower bound for the volume of threefolds of general type with $${\chi({\mathcal O}_X)=1}$$

23. A conic bundle degenerating on the Kummer surface

24. Limit sets for complete minimal immersions

25. Optimal L p -L q -estimates for parabolic boundary value problems with inhomogeneous data

26. Normal generation and Clifford index on algebraic curves

27. A quantitative analysis of Oka’s lemma

28. Almost optimal estimates for entropy numbers of B2,21/2 and its consequences

29. Newton polyhedra and the Bergman kernel

30. On the behavior of solutions for a semilinear parabolic equation with supercritical nonlinearity

31. A formula for the Euler characteristic of $\overline{{\cal M}}_{2,n}$

32. On complex manifolds polarized by an ample line bundle of sectional genus q(X) + 2

33. Strict contractions of symmetric cones

34. Real structures of Teichmüller spaces, Dehn twists, and moduli spaces of real curves

35. Length formulas for the local cohomology of exterior powers

36. q-Completeness of subsets in complex projective space

37. Estimates for derivatives of holomorphic functions in pseudoconvex domains