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1. Footnotes to papers of O’Grady and Markman

3. Corrigendum for the paper 'Invariant tori for nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems with degeneracy'

4. Special Ulrich bundles on regular Weierstrass fibrations

6. Order 3 symplectic automorphisms on K3 surfaces

7. Graded Bourbaki ideals of graded modules

8. Remarks on the geodesic-Einstein metrics of a relative ample line bundle

9. On the local density formula and the Gross–Keating invariant with an Appendix ‘The local density of a binary quadratic form’ by T. Ikeda and H. Katsurada

10. Archimedean non-vanishing, cohomological test vectors, and standard L-functions of $${\mathrm {GL}}_{2n}$$: real case

11. A sparse approach to mixed weak type inequalities

12. Signature characters of invariant Hermitian forms on irreducible Verma modules and Hall–Littlewood polynomials

13. On central leaves of Hodge-type Shimura varieties with parahoric level structure

14. A sharp lower bound for the geometric genus and Zariski multiplicity question

15. A study of variations of pseudoconvex domains via Kähler-Einstein metrics

16. On a result of Moeglin and Waldspurger in residual characteristic 2

17. On locally analytic Beilinson–Bernstein localization and the canonical dimension

18. On Oka’s extra-zero problem and examples

19. Homogeneous Randers spaces with isotropic S-curvature and positive flag curvature

20. Strict and nonstrict positivity of direct image bundles

21. Tube domain and an orbit of a complex triangular group

22. Cubic threefolds and abelian varieties of dimension five. II

23. The $$\bar\partial$$ -Cauchy problem and nonexistence of Lipschitz Levi-flat hypersurfaces in $$\mathbb{C}P^n$$ with $$n \ge 3$$

24. New Sobolev spaces via generalized Poincaré inequalities on metric measure spaces

25. On some local cohomology invariants of local rings

26. The functor A min on p-local spaces

27. Local isometries on spaces of continuous functions

28. On the second sectional H-arithmetic genus of polarized manifolds

29. Hp boundedness of Calder�n-Zygmund operators on product spaces

30. The HcscK equations in symplectic coordinates

31. Deformations of Dolbeault cohomology classes

32. An analogue of a result of Tits for transvection groups

33. Seshadri constants on principally polarized abelian surfaces with real multiplication

34. A reduction principle for Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms

35. The universal covers of hypertoric varieties and Bogomolov’s decomposition

36. Valuations and convex subrings of a commutative ring with higher level preordering

37. When are two commutative C*-algebras stably homotopy equivalent?

38. Generalized Poisson brackets and lie algebras of type H in characteristic 0

39. On characteristic numbers of 24 dimensional string manifolds

40. Essential spectra of weighted composition operators induced by elliptic automorphisms

41. L-functions of certain exponential sums over finite fields

42. Ax–Schanuel type theorems on functional transcendence via Nevanlinna theory

43. Exact Krull–Schmidt categories with finitely many indecomposables

44. Complete intersection K-theory and Chern classes

45. Stable splittings of classifying spaces of compact Lie group

46. Stability of spectra of Hodge-de Rham laplacians

47. Jumps of the eta-invariant

48. Towards the classification of symplectic linear quotient singularities admitting a symplectic resolution

49. On the polynomiality of orbifold Gromov–Witten theory of root stacks

50. Invariant plurisubharmonic functions on non-compact Hermitian symmetric spaces