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1. Algebraic varieties with automorphism groups of maximal rank

2. Smooth free involution of $$H{\mathbb{C}}P^{3}$$ and Smith conjecture for imbeddings of S 3 in S 6

3. Singular chains on Lie groups and the Cartan relations I

4. Gradient forms and strong solidity of free quantum groups

5. Quasiconvexity in 3-manifold groups

6. The enough g-pairs property and denominator vectors of cluster algebras

7. A reformulation of the Siegel series and intersection numbers

8. Lie-algebraic curvature conditions preserved by the Hermitian curvature flow

9. Properly embedded minimal annuli in $$\mathbb {H}^2 \times \mathbb {R}$$

10. Ends of finite volume, nonpositively curved manifolds

11. 2-Cycles on higher Fano hypersurfaces

12. On irreducible subgroups of simple algebraic groups

13. Pointwise equidistribution with an error rate and with respect to unbounded functions

14. Lengths of three simple periodic geodesics on a Riemannian 2-sphere

15. Differentiable classification of 4-manifolds with singular Riemannian foliations

16. Smoothing estimates for non-dispersive equations

17. Acylindrical hyperbolicity of groups acting on trees

18. Upper bounds for the Euclidean minima of abelian fields of odd prime power conductor

19. On L-spaces and left-orderable fundamental groups

20. On the average indices of closed geodesics on positively curved Finsler spheres

21. Zeros of analytic functions, with or without multiplicities

22. Einstein solvmanifolds: existence and non-existence questions

23. Infinite dimensional multiplicity free spaces III: matrix coefficients and regular functions

24. Free holomorphic functions and interpolation

25. Any 3-manifold 1-dominates at most finitely many geometric 3-manifolds

26. Actions and irreducible representations of the mapping class group

27. Boundary manifolds of line arrangements

28. Integrality of $L^2$-Betti numbers

29. Géométrie d'Arakelov et hauteurs canoniques sur des variétés semi-abéliennes

30. Seshadri constants and periods of polarized abelian varieties