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43 results

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1. The limits on boundary of orbifold Kähler–Einstein metrics and Kähler–Ricci flows over quasi-projective manifolds

2. A local converse theorem for $${\mathrm {Sp}}_{2r}$$ Sp 2 r

3. Rationality results for the exterior and the symmetric square L-function (with an appendix by Nadir Matringe)

4. Multiple interior and boundary peak solutions to singularly perturbed nonlinear Neumann problems under the Berestycki–Lions condition

5. Roots of the canonical bundle of the universal Teichm�ller curve and certain subgroups of the mapping class group

6. A reflection principle with applications to proper holomorphic mappings

7. Differentiable classification of 4-manifolds with singular Riemannian foliations

8. On the Perelman’s reduced entropy and Ricci flat manifolds with maximal volume growth

9. On the average indices of closed geodesics on positively curved Finsler spheres

10. Refined asymptotic profiles for a semilinear heat equation

11. Completely periodic directions and orbit closures of many pseudo-Anosov Teichmueller discs in Q(1,1,1,1)

12. Multiple blow-up for a porous medium equation with reaction

13. Einstein solvmanifolds: existence and non-existence questions

14. Infinite dimensional multiplicity free spaces III: matrix coefficients and regular functions

15. On the number of affine equivalence classes of spherical tube hypersurfaces

16. Additive polylogarithms and their functional equations

17. CM values and central L-values of elliptic modular forms

18. Quotients of values of the Dedekind Eta function

19. Resolvent at low energy and Riesz transform for Schrödinger operators on asymptotically conic manifolds. I

20. Nonuniqueness in the quenching problem

21. Average homogeneity and dimensions of measures

22. Location of blow-up set for a semilinear parabolic equation with large diffusion

23. Quasilinear parabolic systems of several components

24. On certain domains in cycle spaces of flag manifolds

25. Boundary sets where harmonic functions may become infinite

26. A Moebius characterization of Veronese surfaces in $S^n$

27. Applications of geometric means on symmetric cones

28. Sharp estimates and the Dirac operator

29. Indefinite sequences with a finite order singularity in the complex moment problem

30. Concerning a type of Sobolev inequality on the sphere

31. Compact differentiable 4-folds with quaternionic structures

32. On the structure of the conformal Gaussian curvature equation on R2. II

33. Rigidity of minimal submanifolds in space forms

34. Analytic perturbation of semi-fredholm operators

35. Strongly plurisubharmonic exhaustion functions on 1-convex spaces

36. On the thickness of the Shilov boundary

37. Local shimura correspondence

38. Einstein complete intersections in complex projective space

39. Approximations of Sobolev maps between an open set and an Euclidean sphere, boundary data, and singularities

40. The gromov norm of the Kaehler class of symmetric domains

41. On the normal bundles of smooth rational space curves

42. Anti-invariant submanifolds of almost contact metric manifolds

43. Rationality of moduli spaces of stable bundles