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1. Modified Halpern Iterative Method for Solving Hierarchical Problem and Split Combination of Variational Inclusion Problem in Hilbert Space

2. Complex Dynamical Behaviors of Lorenz-Stenflo Equations

3. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Different Methods for Constructing Exact Solutions to Nonlinear PDEs. Generalizations and New Solutions

4. Numerical Analysis for the Fractional Ambartsumian Equation via the Homotopy Herturbation Method

5. Classical Lagrange Interpolation Based on General Nodal Systems at Perturbed Roots of Unity

6. The Mittag-Leffler Fitting of the Phillips Curve

7. Solving ODEs by Obtaining Purely Second Degree Multinomials via Branch and Bound with Admissible Heuristic

8. Finite-Time Stabilization of Homogeneous Non-Lipschitz Systems

9. The Role of the Mittag-Leffler Function in Fractional Modeling

10. The Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution of a Nonlinear Fredholm–Volterra Integral Equation with Modified Argument via Geraghty Contractions

11. A Singularly P-Stable Multi-Derivative Predictor Method for the Numerical Solution of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations

12. Weak Convergence Analysis and Improved Error Estimates for Decoupled Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations

13. Controllability for Retarded Semilinear Neutral Control Systems of Fractional Order in Hilbert Spaces

14. The Optimal Order Newton’s Like Methods with Dynamics

15. Multiple Solutions for Double Phase Problems with Hardy Type Potential

16. Quadrature Integration Techniques for Random Hyperbolic PDE Problems

17. The Numerical Validation of the Adomian Decomposition Method for Solving Volterra Integral Equation with Discontinuous Kernels Using the CESTAC Method

18. Facilitating Numerical Solutions of Inhomogeneous Continuous Time Markov Chains Using Ergodicity Bounds Obtained with Logarithmic Norm Method

19. Delay Cournot Duopoly Game with Gradient Adjustment: Berezowski Transition from a Discrete Model to a Continuous Model

20. Some Relationships for the Generalized Integral Transform on Function Space

21. A Fuzzy Method for Solving Fuzzy Fractional Differential Equations Based on the Generalized Fuzzy Taylor Expansion

22. Explicit Construction of the Inverse of an Analytic Real Function: Some Applications

23. Multiple Solutions for Partial Discrete Dirichlet Problems Involving the p-Laplacian

24. Distributional Properties of Fluid Queues Busy Period and First Passage Times

25. Jump Models with Delay—Option Pricing and Logarithmic Euler–Maruyama Scheme

26. Efficient Numerical Scheme for the Solution of Tenth Order Boundary Value Problems by the Haar Wavelet Method

27. A Class of Sixth Order Viscous Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Willmore Regularization in R3

28. New Approach for a Weibull Distribution under the Progressive Type-II Censoring Scheme

29. Linear Convergence of Split Equality Common Null Point Problem with Application to Optimization Problem

30. A Comparative Study of the Fractional-Order Clock Chemical Model

31. Analytical and Approximate Solution for Solving the Vibration String Equation with a Fractional Derivative

32. Guaranteed Lower Bounds for the Elastic Eigenvalues by Using the Nonconforming Crouzeix–Raviart Finite Element

33. Strong Convergent Theorems Governed by Pseudo-Monotone Mappings

34. Convergence of Generalized Lupaş-Durrmeyer Operators

35. Dynamics of the Stochastic Belousov-Zhabotinskii Chemical Reaction Model

36. Global Mittag–Leffler Stability and Stabilization Analysis of Fractional-Order Quaternion-Valued Memristive Neural Networks

37. Stability of Replicator Dynamics with Bounded Continuously Distributed Time Delay

38. Stability Analysis of an Age-Structured SEIRS Model with Time Delay

39. A New Higher-Order Iterative Scheme for the Solutions of Nonlinear Systems

40. pth Moment Stability of a Stationary Solution for a Reaction Diffusion System with Distributed Delays

41. On the Zeros of the Big q-Bessel Functions and Applications

42. A Modified Hestenes-Stiefel-Type Derivative-Free Method for Large-Scale Nonlinear Monotone Equations

43. Bayesian Derivative Order Estimation for a Fractional Logistic Model

44. Extending the Applicability of Stirling’s Method

45. Approximate Solutions of Time Fractional Diffusion Wave Models

46. On the Gibbs Effect Based on the Quasi-Affine Dual Tight Framelets System Generated Using the Mixed Oblique Extension Principle

47. The Generalized Solutions of the nth Order Cauchy–Euler Equation

48. Stability and Bifurcation of a Delayed Time-Fractional Order Business Cycle Model with a General Liquidity Preference Function and Investment Function

49. New Analytical Solutions for Time-Fractional Kolmogorov–Petrovsky–Piskunov Equation with Variety of Initial Boundary Conditions

50. Correction: Zhang, H.; Zhang, X. Generalized Tikhonov Method and Convergence Estimate for the Cauchy Problem of Modified Helmholtz Equation with Nonhomogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann Datum. Mathematics 2019, 7, 667