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101. Canonical Almost Geodesic Mappings of the First Type of Spaces with Affine Connections onto Generalizedm-Ricci-Symmetric Spaces

102. On Graded 2-Prime Ideals

103. Study on Implicit-Type Fractional Coupled System with Integral Boundary Conditions

104. Multiple Solutions for Double Phase Problems with Hardy Type Potential

105. Fuzzy Stability Results of Generalized Quartic Functional Equations

106. On a New Geometric Constant Related to the Euler-Lagrange Type Identity in Banach Spaces

107. On the Reciprocal Sums of Products of Two Generalized Bi-Periodic Fibonacci Numbers

108. Branched Continued Fraction Expansions of Horn’s Hypergeometric Function H3 Ratios

109. A New Family of Zeta Type Functions Involving the Hurwitz Zeta Function and the Alternating Hurwitz Zeta Function

110. Some Relationships for the Generalized Integral Transform on Function Space

111. A Fuzzy Method for Solving Fuzzy Fractional Differential Equations Based on the Generalized Fuzzy Taylor Expansion

112. Unified Approach to Fractional Calculus Images of Special Functions—A Survey

113. Applications of Stieltjes Derivatives to Periodic Boundary Value Inclusions

114. On An Open Question in Controlled Rectangular b-Metric Spaces

115. Multiple Solutions for Partial Discrete Dirichlet Problems Involving the p-Laplacian

116. Stability of Solutions for Parametric Inverse Nonlinear Cost Transportation Problem

117. Some Intrinsic Properties of Tadmor–Tanner Functions: Related Problems and Possible Applications

118. A Notion of Convergence in Fuzzy Partially Ordered Sets

119. The Optimal Shape Parameter for the Least Squares Approximation Based on the Radial Basis Function

120. Multiple Solutions for a Class of New p(x)-Kirchhoff Problem without the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz Conditions

121. Transformations of the Hypergeometric 4F3 with One Unit Shift: A Group Theoretic Study

122. Boundary Value Problems for Hilfer Fractional Differential Inclusions with Nonlocal Integral Boundary Conditions

123. Improved Oscillation Results for Functional Nonlinear Dynamic Equations of Second Order

124. Efficient Numerical Scheme for the Solution of Tenth Order Boundary Value Problems by the Haar Wavelet Method

125. A Class of Sixth Order Viscous Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Willmore Regularization in R3

126. Generalized Concentration-Compactness Principles for Variable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces with Asymptotic Analysis of Low Energy Extremals

127. On Semi-Analytical Solutions for Linearized Dispersive KdV Equations

128. Theoretical Analysis (Convergence and Stability) of a Difference Approximation for Multiterm Time Fractional Convection Diffusion-Wave Equations with Delay

129. Finite Difference Method for Two-Sided Two Dimensional Space Fractional Convection-Diffusion Problem with Source Term

130. Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for the p(x)-Laplacian Equation with Convection Term

131. Linear Convergence of Split Equality Common Null Point Problem with Application to Optimization Problem

132. Solitary Wave Solutions of the Generalized Rosenau-KdV-RLW Equation

133. Relations between Generalized Bi-Periodic Fibonacci and Lucas Sequences

134. Second-Order Unconditionally Stable Direct Methods for Allen–Cahn and Conservative Allen–Cahn Equations on Surfaces

135. A Crank–Nicolson Finite Volume Element Method for Time Fractional Sobolev Equations on Triangular Grids

136. Numerical Simulation of Flow over Non-Linearly Stretching Sheet Considering Chemical Reaction and Magnetic Field

137. Boundedness of a Class of Oscillatory Singular Integral Operators and Their Commutators with Rough Kernel on Weighted Central Morrey Spaces

138. Generalizations of Kannan and Reich Fixed Point Theorems, Using Sequentially Convergent Mappings and Subadditive Altering Distance Functions

139. C*-Algebra Valued Partial b-Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Results with an Application

140. On the Characteristic Polynomial of the Generalized k-Distance Tribonacci Sequences

141. From Hahn–Banach Type Theorems to the Markov Moment Problem, Sandwich Theorems and Further Applications

142. Generators of Analytic Resolving Familiesfor Distributed Order Equations and Perturbations

143. Some Remarks on Reich and Chatterjea Type Nonexpansive Mappings

144. Tensor Global Extrapolation Methods Using the n-Mode and the Einstein Products

145. Measure-Expansive Homoclinic Classes for C1 Generic Flows

146. Numerical Scheme for Solving Time–Space Vibration String Equation of Fractional Derivative

147. Guaranteed Lower Bounds for the Elastic Eigenvalues by Using the Nonconforming Crouzeix–Raviart Finite Element

148. Strong Convergent Theorems Governed by Pseudo-Monotone Mappings

149. Generalized Fixed Point Results with Application to Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations

150. Geometric Modeling of Novel Generalized Hybrid Trigonometric Bézier-Like Curve with Shape Parameters and Its Applications