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151. Geometrical Properties of the Pseudonull Hypersurfaces in Semi-Euclidean 4-Space

152. Modified Inertial Forward–Backward Algorithm in Banach Spaces and Its Application

153. An Online Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method for Unsaturated Filtration Problem in Fractured Media

154. Nonstationary Radiative–Conductive Heat Transfer Problem in a Semitransparent Body with Absolutely Black Inclusions

155. A Perov Version of Fuzzy Metric Spaces and Common Fixed Points for Compatible Mappings

156. Vacation Queueing Model for Performance Evaluation of Multiple Access Information Transmission Systems without Transmission Interruption

157. Oscillation of Second-Order Differential Equations with Multiple and Mixed Delays under a Canonical Operator

158. Integrable Deformations and Dynamical Properties of Systems with Constant Population

159. On Hyers–Ulam and Hyers–Ulam–Rassias Stability of a Nonlinear Second-Order Dynamic Equation on Time Scales

160. An α-Monotone Generalized Log-Moyal Distribution with Applications to Environmental Data

161. Damped Newton Stochastic Gradient Descent Method for Neural Networks Training

162. A New Approach of Some Contractive Mappings on Metric Spaces

163. Numerical Solution of Two Dimensional Time-Space Fractional Fokker Planck Equation With Variable Coefficients

164. New Regression Models Based on the Unit-Sinh-Normal Distribution: Properties, Inference, and Applications

165. A Functional Interpolation Approach to Compute Periodic Orbits in the Circular-Restricted Three-Body Problem

166. A Generalized Quasi Cubic Trigonometric Bernstein Basis Functions and Its B-Spline Form

167. On the Boundary Value Problems of Hadamard Fractional Differential Equations of Variable Order via Kuratowski MNC Technique

168. A Novel Analysis of the Smooth Curve with Constant Width Based on a Time Delay System

169. A Fourth Order Symplectic and Conjugate-Symplectic Extension of the Midpoint and Trapezoidal Methods

170. Zero-Inflated Generalized Linear Mixed Models: A Better Way to Understand Data Relationships

171. Mechanical Models for Hermite Interpolation on the Unit Circle

172. Numerical Solution of the Fredholm and Volterra Integral Equations by Using Modified Bernstein–Kantorovich Operators

173. Existence and Symmetry of Solutions for a Class of Fractional Schrödinger–Poisson Systems

174. Modified Tseng’s Method with Inertial Viscosity Type for Solving Inclusion Problems and Its Application to Image Restoration Problems

175. Finding Equilibria in the Traffic Assignment Problem with Primal-Dual Gradient Methods for Stable Dynamics Model and Beckmann Model

176. The Crossed Product of Finite Hopf C*-Algebra and C*-Algebra

177. A Study of Spaces of Sequences in Fuzzy Normed Spaces

178. Qualitative Analyses of Differential Systems with Time-Varying Delays via Lyapunov–Krasovskiĭ Approach

179. Effect of Probability Distribution of the Response Variable in Optimal Experimental Design with Applications in Medicine

180. A Linearization to the Sum of Linear Ratios Programming Problem

181. Pontryagin Neural Networks with Functional Interpolation for Optimal Intercept Problems

182. A Convergent Collocation Approach for Generalized Fractional Integro-Differential Equations Using Jacobi Poly-Fractonomials

183. On Fibonacci Numbers of Order r Which Are Expressible as Sum of Consecutive Factorial Numbers

184. Skewness-Kurtosis Model-Based Projection Pursuit with Application to Summarizing Gene Expression Data

185. Sharp Inequalities for the Hardy–Littlewood Maximal Operator on Finite Directed Graphs

186. On a Dual Pair of Multiobjective Interval-Valued Variational Control Problems

187. Robust Solutions for Uncertain Continuous-Time Linear Programming Problems with Time-Dependent Matrices

188. The Influence of Fear Effect to a Discrete-Time Predator-Prey System with Predator Has Other Food Resource

189. A Robust Version of the Empirical Likelihood Estimator

190. A Note on the Estrada Index of the Aα-Matrix

191. Comparisons of Parallel Systems with Components Having Proportional Reversed Hazard Rates and Starting Devices

192. Resolution Dimension Relative to Resolving Subcategories in Extriangulated Categories

193. F-Operators for the Construction of Closed Form Solutions to Linear Homogenous PDEs with Variable Coefficients

194. Real-Valued Systemic Risk Measures

195. Estimating Ruin Probability in an Insurance Risk Model with Stochastic Premium Income Based on the CFS Method

196. Geometric Inequalities for Warped Products in Riemannian Manifolds

197. Philos-Type Oscillation Results for Third-Order Differential Equation with Mixed Neutral Terms

198. A Singularly P-Stable Multi-Derivative Predictor Method for the Numerical Solution of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations

199. Unified Representation of Curves and Surfaces

200. Weak Convergence Analysis and Improved Error Estimates for Decoupled Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations