
Showing total 1,364 results
1,364 results

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201. Estimating the Coefficients of a System of Ordinary Differential Equations Based on Inaccurate Observations

202. On Undecidability of Finite Subsets Theory for Torsion Abelian Groups

203. GeoStamp: Detail Transfer Based on Mean Curvature Field

204. Quantile Trend Regression and Its Application to Central England Temperature

205. Learning EOQ Model with Trade-Credit Financing Policy for Imperfect Quality Items under Cloudy Fuzzy Environment

206. A Model of Optimal Interval for Anti-Mosquito Campaign Based on Stochastic Process

207. The Existence of Solutions for Local Dirichlet (r(u),s(u))-Problems

208. Consensus Control of Leaderless and Leader-Following Coupled PDE-ODEs Modeled Multi-Agent Systems

209. Exact Traveling Waves of a Generalized Scale-Invariant Analogue of the Korteweg–de Vries Equation

210. An Unconditional Positivity-Preserving Difference Scheme for Models of Cancer Migration and Invasion

211. Hybridisation of Swarm Intelligence Algorithms with Multi-Criteria Ordinal Classification: A Strategy to Address Many-Objective Optimisation

212. The Extended Cone b-Metric-like Spaces over Banach Algebra and Some Applications

213. Typed Angularly Decorated Planar Rooted Trees and Ω-Rota-Baxter Algebras

214. ActressMAS, a .NET Multi-Agent Framework Inspired by the Actor Model

215. Applying Parallel and Distributed Models on Bio-Inspired Algorithms via a Clustering Method

216. A Quasi-3D Higher-Order Theory for Bending of FG Nanoplates Embedded in an Elastic Medium in a Thermal Environment

217. On the Eventually Periodic Continued β-Fractions and Their Lévy Constants

218. Solvability for a Class of Integro-Differential Inclusions Subject to Impulses on the Half-Line

219. Towards Distributed Lexicographically Fair Resource Allocation with an Indivisible Constraint

220. A Cuboid Registers Topic, Activity and Competency Data to Exude Feedforward and Continuous Assessment of Competencies

221. Riemann–Liouville Fractional Integral Inequalities for Generalized Pre-Invex Functions of Interval-Valued Settings Based upon Pseudo Order Relation

222. Initial-Condition Effects on a Two-Memristor-Based Jerk System

223. ReRec: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Recommendation Based on Repeat Purchase Behaviors of Users in Community E-Commerce

224. 'A Bias Recognized Is a Bias Sterilized': The Effects of a Bias in Forecast Evaluation

225. Bifurcation and Patterns Analysis for a Spatiotemporal Discrete Gierer-Meinhardt System

226. Real Economy Effects on Consumption-Based CAPM

227. Why Not STEM? A Study Case on the Influence of Gender Factors on Students’ Higher Education Choice

228. Optimal Sizing of Stand-Alone Microgrids Based on Recent Metaheuristic Algorithms

229. Boundary Value Problem for ψ-Caputo Fractional Differential Equations in Banach Spaces via Densifiability Techniques

230. Research on Intellectualized Location of Coal Gangue Logistics Nodes Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Quasi-Newton Algorithm

231. Series Solution-Based Approach for the Interlaminar Stress Analysis of Smart Composites under Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Loading

232. Fault-Tolerant Metric Dimension of Circulant Graphs

233. Empirical and Numerical Analysis of an Opaque Ventilated Facade with Windows Openings under Mediterranean Climate Conditions

234. Research on Dynamic Assessment Method of Earthquake Scene Rescue Performance Based on AHP and Cloud Model

235. Algorithm for Two Generalized Nonexpansive Mappings in Uniformly Convex Spaces

236. Convergence Investigation of XFEM Enrichment Schemes for Modeling Cohesive Cracks

237. The Generalized First- and Second-Price Auctions: Overbidding, Underbidding, and Optimal Reserve Price

238. Mathematical Modeling of Toxoplasmosis Considering a Time Delay in the Infectivity of Oocysts

239. Automatic Control for Time Delay Markov Jump Systems under Polytopic Uncertainties

240. Retrial BMAP/PH/N Queueing System with a Threshold-Dependent Inter-Retrial Time Distribution

241. Three-Dimensional Synthesis of Manufacturing Tolerances Based on Analysis Using the Ascending Approach

242. Reliability Analysis of High Concrete-Face Rockfill Dams and Study of Seismic Performance of Earthquake-Resistant Measures Based on Stochastic Dynamic Analysis

243. A Mixed Statistical and Machine Learning Approach for the Analysis of Multimodal Trail Making Test Data

244. A New Synchronization Method for Time-Delay Fractional Complex Chaotic System and Its Application

245. On Characterizing a Three-Dimensional Sphere

246. Improvement of Trajectory Tracking by Robot Manipulator Based on a New Co-Operative Optimization Algorithm

247. Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Cusp Catastrophe Model with Partially Observed Data

248. Methods of Ensuring Invariance with Respect to External Disturbances: Overview and New Advances

249. Green Supply Chain Management with Nash Bargaining Loss-Averse Reference Dependence

250. An Improved Alternating CQ Algorithm for Solving Split Equality Problems