
Showing total 164 results
164 results

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1. Global optimization in Hilbert space

2. Two-stage non-cooperative games with risk-averse players

3. Attraction of Newton method to critical Lagrange multipliers: fully quadratic case

4. Sample size selection in optimization methods for machine learning

5. Equations on monotone graphs

6. Cubic regularization of Newton method and its global performance

7. Competitive Multi-period Pricing for Perishable Products: A Robust Optimization Approach

8. A local minimax characterization for computing multiple nonsmooth saddle critical points

9. A primal-proximal heuristic applied to the French Unit-commitment problem

10. A computational study of a gradient-based log-barrier algorithm for a class of large-scale SDPs

11. Inexact accelerated high-order proximal-point methods

12. Best approximation mappings in Hilbert spaces

13. Analytical properties of the central path at boundary point in linear programming

14. Tensor methods for large sparse systems of nonlinear equations

15. Generalized hessian forC 1,1 functions in infinite dimensional normed spaces

16. Packing Steiner trees: a cutting plane algorithm and computational results

17. Packing Steiner trees: polyhedral investigations

18. The Steiner tree problem II: Properties and classes of facets

19. A nonsmooth Newton method for variational inequalities, I: Theory

20. The symmetric traveling salesman polytope and its graphical relaxation: Composition of valid inequalities

21. A stability result for linear Markovian stochastic optimization problems

22. Sensitivity analysis of maximally monotone inclusions via the proto-differentiability of the resolvent operator

23. Optimized Bonferroni approximations of distributionally robust joint chance constraints

24. A differentiable homotopy method to compute perfect equilibria

25. Second-order variational analysis in second-order cone programming

26. Tight relaxations for polynomial optimization and Lagrange multiplier expressions

27. Weakly homogeneous variational inequalities and solvability of nonlinear equations over cones

28. Stochastic dual dynamic integer programming

29. Security games on matroids

30. CONOPT: A GRG code for large sparse dynamic nonlinear optimization problems

31. Symmetric minimum-norm updates for use in gibbs free energy calculations

32. Solving staircase linear programs by the simplex method, 1: Inversion

33. Edmonds polytopes and weakly hamiltonian graphs

34. On the selection of parameters in Self Scaling Variable Metric Algorithms

35. Newton's method for linear complementarity problems

36. Partial pivoting strategies for symmetric gaussian elimination

37. Matrix conditioning and nonlinear optimization

38. Nonsmooth Lyapunov pairs for differential inclusions governed by operators with nonempty interior domain

39. Narrowing the difficulty gap for the Celis–Dennis–Tapia problem

40. A nonlinear semidefinite optimization relaxation for the worst-case linear optimization under uncertainties

41. Efficient geo-graph contiguity and hole algorithms for geographic zoning and dynamic plane graph partitioning

42. Thresholded covering algorithms for robust and max–min optimization

43. On the existence of supply function equilibria

44. Sobolev seminorm of quadratic functions with applications to derivative-free optimization

45. Certifying convergence of Lasserre’s hierarchy via flat truncation

46. Computation of sparse low degree interpolating polynomials and their application to derivative-free optimization

47. On the solution of affine generalized Nash equilibrium problems with shared constraints by Lemke’s method

48. A quasi-Newton strategy for the sSQP method for variational inequality and optimization problems

49. Deterministic approximation algorithms for sphere constrained homogeneous polynomial optimization problems

50. Semidefinite relaxations for quadratically constrained quadratic programming: A review and comparisons