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1. On the Laplacian spectrum of an infinite graph

2. Derived Categories of Fano Threefolds V 12

3. A Metric of Constant Curvature on Polycycles

4. On the Turan Problem for Periodic Functions with Nonnegative Fourier Coefficients and Small Support

5. Smoothly Varying Functions and Perfect Proximate Orders

6. Algorithmic Complexity of a Problem of Idempotent Convex Geometry

7. [Untitled]

8. [Untitled]

9. [Untitled]

10. [Untitled]

11. Estimates of the maximal value of angular code distance for 24 and 25 points on the unit sphere in ℝ4

12. A criterion for the adjacency of vertices of polytopes generated by subsets of symmetric groups

13. Integrability of optimal mappings

14. Relative preimage problem

15. Irrationality of the sums of zeta values

16. Colength of varieties of linear algebras

17. The Lappo-Danilevskii method and trivial intersections of radicals in lower central series terms for certain fundamental groups

18. On Critical ω-Fan Formations of Finite Groups

19. A Generalization of Pincherle's Theorem to k-Term Recursion Relations

20. Attainability of the Exponent of Exponential Growth in Free Products of Cyclic Groups

21. On Brennan's Conjecture for a Special Class of Functions

22. Equivalence of the C*-Algebras qℂ and C 0(ℝ2) in the Asymptotic Category

23. Length of the Sum and Product of Algebraic Numbers

24. On the real zeros of functions of Mittag-Leffler type

25. Klein polyhedra for three extremal cubic forms

26. Lower bounds for linear forms in values of polylogarithms

27. Problems in the Approximation of 2p-Periodic Functions by Fourier Sums in the Space L2(2p)

28. Uniform Convergence of Hyperbolic Partial Sums of Multiple Fourier Series

29. Sharp Estimates for Integral Means for Three Classes of Domains

30. Rate of Convergence of Pure Greedy Algorithms

31. Branched Coverings over \Bbb C2and the Jacobian Conjecture

32. Best Uniform Rational Approximations of Functions by Orthoprojections

33. On the Asymptotics of the Binary Partition Function

34. On Some 'Tame' and 'Wild' Aspects of the Problem of Semiscalar Equivalence of Polynomial Matrices

35. On Polyconvolutions Generated by the Hankel Transform

36. On the Number of Non-Hamiltonian Graphs

37. Coxeter Decompositions of Compact Hyperbolic Pyramids and Triangular Prisms

38. Lambert Cubes Generating Discrete Reflection Groups

39. On the Rogers--Ramanujan Periodic Continued Fraction

40. A Geometric Bijection for xy-Convex Curves and Convex Polyominoes

41. [Untitled]

42. [Untitled]

43. [Untitled]

44. [Untitled]

45. [Untitled]

46. [Untitled]

47. [Untitled]

48. [Untitled]

49. [Untitled]

50. [Untitled]