
Showing total 84 results
84 results

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1. A data assimilation process for linear ill-posed problems

2. On existence of solutions of differential-difference equations

3. On global stability of an HIV pathogenesis model with cure rate

4. Paley-Wiener theorems and uncertainty principles for the windowed linear canonical transform

5. Higher order stable schemes for stochastic convection–reaction–diffusion equations driven by additive Wiener noise

6. Minimal-energy splines: I. Plane curves with angle constraints

7. Generalized approximate boundary synchronization for a coupled system of wave equations

8. Extending the choice of starting points for Newton's method

9. The use of partition polynomial series in Laplace inversion of composite functions with applications in fractional calculus

10. Effective numerical evaluation of the double Hilbert transform

11. Dynamics of a ratio-dependent stage-structured predator-prey model with delay

12. A new computational method for solving two-dimensional Stratonovich Volterra integral equation

13. A delayed prey-predator model with Crowley-Martin-type functional response including prey refuge

14. Global well-posedness of the 2D Euler-Boussinesq system with stratification effects

15. Stability analysis in a diffusional immunosuppressive infection model with delayed antiviral immune response

16. Uncertainty principle for measurable sets and signal recovery in quaternion domains

17. Lyapunov type inequalities for a fractional two-point boundary value problem

18. An h p -adaptive Newton-Galerkin finite element procedure for semilinear boundary value problems

19. Multiple sign-changing solutions for a class of quasilinear elliptic equations

20. Global dynamics of the Boussinesq-Burgers system with large initial data

21. Relative approximate controllability of abstract functional systems with infinite delay and delayed control

22. Global stability of a discrete virus dynamics model with Holling type-II infection function

23. A new approach to the Pontryagin maximum principle for nonlinear fractional optimal control problems

24. A note on weighted quadrature rules

25. Global dynamics of a delayed SEIS infectious disease model with logistic growth and saturation incidence

26. Solution and dynamics analysis of a fractional-order hyperchaotic system

27. Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a delayed viral infection model with logistic growth and saturated immune impairment

28. A volume-consistent discrete formulation of aggregation population balance equations

29. Global stability properties of age-dependent epidemic models with varying rates of recurrence

30. Solution of Lane-Emden type equations using rational Bernoulli functions

31. Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a delayed virus infection model with Beddington-DeAngelis infection function and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte immune response

32. A discrete Hartley transform based on Simpson's rule

33. Global stability and Hopf bifurcation of a delayed eco-epidemiological model with Holling type II functional response

34. Global existence and blow up of solutions of quasilinear chemotaxis system

35. Bifurcation analysis of a diffusive predator-prey system with a herd behavior and quadratic mortality

36. Best two-parameter rational approximation algorithm of given order: a variation of adaptive Fourier decomposition

37. Permanence of a delayed SIR epidemic model with general nonlinear incidence rate

38. New estimate the bounds for the generalized Lorenz system

39. On a new chaotic system

40. Pseudo asymptotically periodic solutions for Volterra integro-differential equations

41. The applications of Saddle point theorem to Dirichlet boundary value problem of differential system

42. Nonexistence and existence results for a class of fourth-order difference Dirichlet boundary value problems

43. Susceptible-infected-recovered models with natural birth and death on complex networks

44. Infinitely many solutions for a resonant sublinear Schrödinger equation

45. Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a delayed epidemic model with stage structure and nonlinear incidence rate

46. Error estimates for some quadrature rules with maximal trigonometric degree of exactness

47. Numerical solution of fractional differential equations with a Tau method based on Legendre and Bernstein polynomials

48. Global stability of the virus dynamics model with intracellular delay and Crowley-Martin functional response

49. Computational method for solving space fractional Fisher's nonlinear equation

50. Positive solutions for asymptotically linear Schrödinger-Kirchhoff-type equations