In the present era the demand for fossil fuels is increasing at an alarming rate and to meet the need of time, it is required to switch to renewable sources for our energy needs. Hydrogen is reportedly considered as a future fuel as it can store three times more energy as compared to conventional fuel and emit zero emission [1]. However, it’s safe and efficient storage is quite a challenge. Out of the three modes of storage, solid storage of hydrogen is proved to be the safest [2]. The common materials used for the electrochemical hydrogen storage are reported collectively in this paper. These include complex hydrides, activated carbon (aC), metal hydrides, metal organic frameworks, capillary arrays, clathrate hydrates, metal nitrides, doped polymer and zeolites. This paper presents a comparative study of selective materials used so far for electrochemical hydrogen storage with broader prospects in the field of hydrogen fuel technology. The literature review in this paper provides an insight of the materials that have already been used for storing hydrogen in solid-state. The study also highlights the limitations of using these materials