
Showing total 28 results
28 results

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1. Counting tropical rational space curves with cross-ratio constraints

2. Simpson filtration and oper stratum conjecture

3. Spectral spread and non-autonomous Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms

4. On unitarizability and Arthur packets

5. A two-dimensional rationality problem and intersections of two quadrics

6. Many closed K-magnetic geodesics on $${\mathbb {S}}^2$$

7. Congruences of Siegel Eisenstein series of degree two

8. A Fundamental Class for Intersection Spaces of Depth One Witt Spaces

9. Diagram involutions and homogeneous Ricci-flat metrics

10. Manifolds admitting a metric with co-index of symmetry 4

11. A duality for Guichard nets

12. On the local factors of irreducible representations of quaternionic unitary groups

13. Bernstein theorem for translating solitons of hypersurfaces

14. Computing jumping numbers in higher dimensions

15. Symmetric orthogonality and non-expansive projections in metric spaces

16. Two classes of non-weight modules over the twisted Heisenberg–Virasoro algebra

17. A note on Galois groups and local degrees

18. On the unicity of types in special linear groups

19. Theta integrals and generalized error functions

20. Multiplicity results for fractional Laplace problems with critical growth

21. On the higher order exterior and interior Whitehead products

22. Shuffle product of finite multiple polylogarithms

23. Gradient estimates and the fundamental solution for higher-order elliptic systems with rough coefficients

24. Virtual singular braids and links

25. Ulrich bundles on rational surfaces with an anticanonical pencil

26. Primitive permutation groups and derangements of prime power order

27. Cyclotomic p-adic multi-zeta values in depth two

28. Secondary fans and tropical Severi varieties