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79 results

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1. On the Seidel Estrada index of graphs.

2. Schur decomposition of several matrices.

3. The zero eigenvalue of the Laplacian tensor of a uniform hypergraph.

4. New backward error bounds of Rayleigh–Ritz projection methods for quadratic eigenvalue problem.

5. Singular graphs with dicyclic or semi-dihedral group action.

6. The signless p-Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with given matching number.

7. The normalized Laplacian spectrum of n-polygon graphs and applications.

8. Some results on the Aα-eigenvalues of a graph.

9. Classification of graphs by Laplacian eigenvalue distribution and independence number.

10. On -gain graphs with few positive eigenvalues.

11. Perturbing eigenvalues of nonnegative centrosymmetric matrices.

12. The tan Θ theorem for definite matrix pairs.

13. On determinants involving tangent functions.

14. A direct method for the simultaneous updating of finite element mass, damping and stiffness matrices.

15. Nearest linearly structured polynomial matrix with some prescribed distinct eigenvalues.

16. A strict inequality on the energy of edge partitioning of graphs.

17. On the maximal α-spectral radius of graphs with given matching number.

18. Extremal realization spectra by two acyclic matrices whose graphs are caterpillars.

19. A representation of compact C-normal operators.

20. Inertia indices of a complex unit gain graph in terms of matching number.

21. New log-majorization results concerning eigenvalues and singular values and a complement of a norm inequality.

22. Laplacian eigenvalues of equivalent cographs.

23. On the spectra and eigenspaces of the universal adjacency matrices of arbitrary lifts of graphs.

24. Finding singularly cospectral graphs.

25. Spectral theory of weighted hypergraphs via tensors.

26. Reverse Wiener spectral radius of trees.

27. The maximum Laplacian Estrada index of connected graphs.

28. A new version of Schur–Horn type theorem.

29. On the spectral radius and the energy of eccentricity matrices of graphs.

30. The Ostrowski theorem for matrices of operators.

31. Zero-nonzero tree patterns that allow Sn*.

32. Signless Laplacian energy, distance Laplacian energy and distance signless Laplacian spectrum of unitary addition Cayley graphs.

33. On centres and direct sum decompositions of higher degree forms.

34. An inverse formula for the distance matrix of a fan graph.

35. A preconditioned two-sweep shift splitting method for non-Hermitian positive definite linear systems.

36. Ordering graphs by their largest (least) Aα-eigenvalues.

37. On the spectral radius of the adjacency matrix and signless Laplacian matrix of a graph.

38. Symmetric Pascal matrices and related graphs.

39. On the smallest eigenvalue of Dα-matrix of connected graphs.

40. On tetracyclic graphs having minimum energies.

41. Eigenvalues of zero divisor graphs of principal ideal rings.

42. Perturbations of non-diagonalizable stochastic matrices with preservation of spectral properties.

43. A generalization of inverse power method for computing eigenpairs of symmetric tensors.

44. A spectral method to incidence balance of oriented hypergraphs and induced signed hypergraphs.

45. On the spectral radius and energy of digraphs.

46. On the distance Laplacian spectral radius of bicyclic graphs.

47. The change of Seidel energy of tripartite Turán graph due to edge deletion.

48. On a conjecture related to the smallest signless Laplacian eigenvalue of graphs.

49. Triangle-free graphs with six non-zero eigenvalues.

50. A direct method for updating mass and stiffness matrices with submatrix constraints.