Although the prevalence rate of leprosy in the Republic of Yemen has dropped below the WHO elimination level of less than one case per 10,000 of the population, it is still regarded as a serious public health problem calling for continued vigilance, notably in the detection and treatment of hidden and undiagnosed cases. In the past, religious misinterpretation has generated adverse behaviour patterns towards people affected by leprosy, characterized by aggression, negligence and isolation. Until about 1982, following a visit of a leprologist (Dr S. K. Noordeen) from the World Health Organization, there was no leprosy control programme and attempts to establish one remained ineffective until in 1989, when an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Public Health and Population and the German Leprosy Relief Association. This led to the development of a leprosy control programme in four governorates, later extended to the rest of the country. This paper describes the progress made in the control of leprosy in the Yemen, 1989-2003, by the Ministry of Health and Population and the GLRA, in association with two local societies.