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1. >Education as a Long‐Term Investment: The Decisive Role of Age in the Education‐Growth Relationship.

2. China's Impact on Africa - The Role of Trade, FDI and Aid.

3. Why Democracies Outgrow Autocracies in the Long Run: Civil Liberties, Information Flows and Technological Change.

4. Economic Growth and Potential Punishment Under Dictatorship.

5. Government Size and Output Growth: the Effects of 'Averaging out'.

6. Join to Prosper? An Empirical Analysis of EU Membership and Economic Growth.

7. Democracy's Unique Advantage in Promoting Economic Growth: Quantitative Evidence for a New Institutional Theory.

8. Generalized Morality, Institutions and Economic Growth, and the Intermediating Role of Generalized Trust.

9. Income Inequality and Economic Growth.