U pjesničkom opusu Tončija Petrasova Marovića (1934. – 1991.), jednoga od najznačajnijih pjesnika druge polovice 20. stoljeća, poseban je izazov čitati autentična kršćanska mjesta i modernu poetiku religioznosti, kojoj su rubne točke riječ i šutnja. Tim više što Marovićevi stihovi kršćanskoga nadahnuća nisu nastajali slučajno ili prigodno nego su premrežili cijeli njegov opus i posebno obilježili posljednju fazu u zbirkama Smokva koju je Isus prokleo (1989), Oče naš (1990), Job u bolnici (1992). Gdje su ta mjesta susreta riječi i šutnje, kako se iz ostatka smrtne kazne jezikom dogodilo otkupljujuće moći ne govoriti (a ne tek moći reći ne) te kako se povratkom u djetinjstvo jezika dogodio i povratak u djetinjstvo vjere, pitanja su koja otvara ova studija., In the impressive poetical works of Tonči Petrasov Marović (1934 – 1991), one of the most significant poets of the second half of the 20th century, it is very challenging to read authentic Christian sites and modern religious poetry, of which word and silence are the boundary points. Even more so because Marović’s verses of Christian inspiration did not come about by accident or fittingly but have intertwined his complete poetical works and especially marked his final phase in the collections Smokva koju je Isus prokleo / The Fig Tree that Christ Cursed (1989), Oče naš / Our Father (1990), Job u bolnici / Job in the Hospital (1992). Where are these places where words meet silence, how how did the redemptive ability not to speak (and not just to say no) occur through language from the remains of the death penalty and how the return to the childhood of religion occurred with the return to the childhood of language, are the questions addressed in this study. more...