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1. Imbalanced text sentiment classification using universal and domain-specific knowledge

2. Are we meeting a deadline? classification goal achievement in time in the presence of imbalanced data

3. Privacy preservation of cloud data in business application enabled by multi-objective red deer-bird swarm algorithm

4. CF4J: Collaborative filtering for Java

5. An overview of incremental feature extraction methods based on linear subspaces

6. Who to select: Identifying critical sources in social sensing

7. A new knowledge-based link recommendation approach using a non-parametric multilayer model of dynamic complex networks

8. Evidential reasoning rule for MADM with both weights and reliabilities in group decision making

9. Fuzzy competence model drift detection for data-driven decision support systems

10. A new emergency decision support methodology based on multi-source knowledge in 2-tuple linguistic model

11. A Selective Multiple Instance Transfer Learning Method for Text Categorization Problems

12. Towards an ontology-supported case-based reasoning approach for computer-aided tolerance specification

13. A Dynamic Three-way Decision Model based on the Updating of Attribute Values

14. Construction of EBRB classifier for imbalanced data based on Fuzzy C-Means clustering

15. A safe sample screening rule for Universum support vector machines

16. ADCF: Attentive representation learning and deep collaborative filtering model

17. Deep learning in ECG diagnosis: A review

18. History-based attention in Seq2Seq model for multi-label text classification

19. Incremental concept cognitive learning based on three-way partial order structure

20. An effective approach for the protection of user commodity viewing privacy in e-commerce website

21. End-to-end recognition of slab identification numbers using a deep convolutional neural network

22. Stepwise optimal scale selection for multi-scale decision tables via attribute significance

23. Towards data analysis for weather cloud computing

24. Sampling algorithms for stochastic graphs: A learning automata approach

25. Improving performance of tensor-based context-aware recommenders using Bias Tensor Factorization with context feature auto-encoding

26. A Hybrid-coded Human Learning Optimization for mixed-variable optimization problems

27. An innovative one-class least squares support vector machine model based on continuous cognition

28. Towards social-aware interesting place finding in social sensing applications

29. Multigranulation fuzzy rough set over two universes and its application to decision making

30. Linear and non-linear heterogeneous ensemble methods to predict the number of faults in software systems

31. Social network pruning for building optimal social network: A user perspective

32. Protein secondary structure prediction by using deep learning method

33. Locality sensitive discriminant matrixized learning machine

34. Aggregating decision information into interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers for heterogeneous multi-attribute group decision making

35. Clustering time-stamped data using multiple nonnegative matrices factorization

36. A fuzzy adaptive resonance theory inspired overlapping community detection method for online social networks

37. Dictionary learning based on discriminative energy contribution for image classification

38. Cross-document event ordering through temporal, lexical and distributional knowledge

39. Finding overlapping community from social networks based on community forest model

40. A new fuzzy multi-attribute group decision-making method with generalized maximal consistent block and its application in emergency management

41. On the class overlap problem in imbalanced data classification

42. A novel framework for detecting social bots with deep neural networks and active learning

43. TrustTF: A tensor factorization model using user trust and implicit feedback for context-aware recommender systems

44. Meta-knowledge dictionary learning on 1-bit response data for student knowledge diagnosis

45. Noise filtering to improve data and model quality for crowdsourcing

46. Robust label compression for multi-label classification

47. Dynamic optimization of fuzzy cognitive maps for time series forecasting

48. Human error tolerant anomaly detection based on time-periodic packet sampling

49. Grounding the detection of the user’s likes and dislikes on the topic structure of human-agent interactions

50. An efficient algorithm for mining the top- k high utility itemsets, using novel threshold raising and pruning strategies