69 results on '"nema"'
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2. Jazyk sakruma kak predmet issledovanij v rusistike
- Author
Končarević Ksenija
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
(ruski) V rabote predlagaetsja obzor teolingvističeskih issledovanij v rusistike, rassmatrivaetsja ee teoretiko-metodologičeskij i ponjatijno kategorial’nyj apparat i kritičeski obsuždajutsja važnejšie rezul’taty, dostignutye v poslednem desjatiletii HH i pervom desjatiletii XXI veka v fundamental’nyh i prikladnyh oblastjah izučenija jazyka sakruma, kotorye izlagajutsja v dissertacijah, monografičeskih publikacijah, trudah, opublikovannyh v tematičeskih sbornikah, sbornikov materialov naučnyh konferencij i v naučnyh žurnalah v Rossijskoj Federacii (s bibliografičeskimi referencami). Važnym dostiženiem rossijskoj teolingvistiki, kak otmečaet avtor, javljaetsja priznanie učenymi naličija samostojatel’nogo funkcional’nogo stilja, svjazannogo s religioznoj sferoj, vydelenie osobyh sakral’nyh žanrov s prisuščimi každomu iz nih stilističeskimi osobennostjami, a takže vyjavlenie v sovremennom russkom literaturnom jazyke raznourovnevyh konfessional’no markirovannyh sredstv. Kritike podvergajutsja otdel’nye klassifikacionnye i terminologičeskie nedočety i predlagaetsja bolee širokoe vnedrenie v rusistiku novyh ključevyh kategorij, relevantnyh dlja teolingvističeskih issledovanij, takih, kak sakral’nyj//profannyj funkcional’no-stilevoj kompleks.
- Published
- 2011
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3. Podčinennye kontrastnye predloženija v sovremennom serbskom jazyke
- Author
Tanasić Sreto
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
(ruski) V sovremennom serbskom jazyke suščestvuet odin tip predloženij s sojuzom dok, kotorye do sih por nedostatočno opisany. Sintaksičeski oni ne prinadležat složnosočinennym protivitel’nym predloženijam, nesmotrja na to, čto oni na semantičeskom urovne shodny meždu soboj, v to vremja kak na sintaksičeskom urovne obladajut osobenostjami, harakternymi dlja vseh složnopodčinennyh predloženij. S drugoj storony dannye predloženija nevozmožno otnesti ni k pridatočnym predloženijam vremeni s sojuzom dok. Avtor v dannoj rabote opisal sintaksičeskie harakteristikiukazannogo tipa predloženij i pokazal, v čeem oni otličajutsja ot složnopodčinennyh vremennyh predloženij s sojuzom dok. V pervuju očered’ složnopodčinennye predloženija vremeni s sojuzom dok harakterizujutsja naličiem odnovremennosti dejstvij, vyražennyh predikatom upravljajuščej i podčinennoj temporal’noj klauzy. Vsložnopodčinennyh kontrastnyh predloženijah takaja situacija možet otsustvovat’. V podčinennoj vremennoj klauze s sojuzom dok na urovne buduščego vstrečaetsja buduščee vtoroe vremja ili prezens kak ego ekvivalent po otnošeniju k buduščemu pervomu vremeni v upravljajuščej klauze. V složnopodčinennom kontrastnom predloženii takoe raspredelenie glagol’nyh form nevozmožno, odnako vozmožno pojavlenie formy buduščego pervogo i v upravljajuščej i v podčinennoj klauze. I nakonec, imejutsja slučai, kogda dejstvja upravljajuščej i podčinennoj klauzy v kontrastnom predloženii prinadležat odnomu vremennomu planu, odnako meždu nimi ne ustanavlivaetsja vremennoe otnošenie, a otnošeneie protivitel’nosti. Poetomu v klauzu, kontrastiruemuju s predyduščej, vsegda možno vključit’ sintagmu nasuprot tome i drugie shodnye sintagmy obladajuščie značeniem kontrastnogo adverbial’nogo opredelenija, čto ne javljaetsja vozmožnym, kogda reč’ idet o vremennom predloženii s sojuzom dok.
- Published
- 2011
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4. On meaning of adjectives as a cause and consequence of their collocabilities
- Author
Dragićević Rajna
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
This paper explores a theoretical point of view that the collocability is determined by the meaning of a lexeme and also represents its consequence. Our main goal is to show that these two factors may contribute with different intensity, and that context may have greater or lesser effect on the meaning of a lexeme. The analysis proves that the context has a lesser effect on more frequent lexemes and does not have a permanent effect on their meaning, but on the other hand, context has a greater effect on infrequent lexemes and has a greater effect on their semantic content. This even applies in a case of a lexeme used separately. Even analysis of two unrelated languages (Serbian and German) shows that the most frequent associations on infrequent adjectives are the nouns frequently used with them, which means that frequently used collocations produce an effect on them even out of context. Furthermore, there are examples in lexicography that infrequent adjectives are defined by collocations peculiar for infrequent lexemes. On the other hand, the most frequent verbal associations of Serbian and German respondents on very frequent adjectives are not the nouns usually found in their collocations, but their antonyms, thus it is possible to conclude that the context has no any effect. The conclusion is that collocability is determined by the meaning of a lexeme and it also represents its consequence, and at the same time the collocation effect on a lexeme is greater if the lexeme is less frequent.
- Published
- 2011
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5. Cryptoglossia as part of linguistic practice of the slavophone population of Kosovo and Metohija
- Author
Reljić Mitra
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Due to frequent interethnic crises, territory occupations and other similar life circumstances, the Slavic population of Kosovo and Metohija, particularly the Serbs, have been too often forced to disquise their linguistic and national identities. In terms of its range of practice and of aspects of manifestation, this phenomenon, here referred to by the term cryptoglossia, was especially evident in the early post-conflict period at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. The paper discusses the causes, different aspects of manifestation, and consequences of the phenomenon, illustrating them with a number of examples taken from our study material.
- Published
- 2011
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6. Why NA?
- Author
Topolińska Zuzanna
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The paper is conceived as answer to the question why just the locative / adlative preposition na was chosen as grammatical marker for both dative and genitive case relationship in the Balkan Slavic languages. As key process which triggered all the subsequent changes the author sees generalization of the dative morphological form in the adnominal position.
- Published
- 2011
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7. Morfologičeskie osobennosti govora serbov treh poselenij v severnoj Bosnii
- Author
Dragičević Milan
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
(ruski) V rabote predstavleny važnye morfologičeskie osobennosti govora žitelej treh serbskih poselenij v okrestnostjah Derventy (nebol’šogo goroda v severnoj Bosnii), raspoložennyh po pravomu beregu srednego tečenija reki Ukriny, v krae, kotoryj takže nazyvaetsja Krnin ili Vakuf. Izložennye dannye pokazyvajut, čto v govore žitelej etih poselenij v bol’šinstve slučaev nabljudajutsja dialektnye osobennosti, kotorye harakterny dlja severo-zapadnoj gruppy govorov gercegovinsko-krainskogo (vostočno-gercegovinskogo) dialekta, no v sklonenijah javljajutsja i nekotorye osobennosti harakterny dlja govorov jugo-vostočnoj gruppy etogo dialekta.
- Published
- 2011
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8. Greek loanwords in Serbian vernaculars on the territory of Vojvodina
- Author
Vlajić-Popović Jasna
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
This paper presents a pilot version of a more comprehensive study on Greek loanwords in Serbian vernaculars which will deal with their identification, distribution, periodisation, and adaptation. The materials excerpted from the presently existing dialectal dictionaries will be compared with the data from three classical sources on the topic: VASMER, POPOVIĆ 1953-1955, and SKOK. In this phase our goal was to find out whether there is any point in proceeding with the study of Greek loanwords in Serbian, after the results that have been reached by the three abovementioned authors. Our choice for the pilot analysis is Rečnik srpskih govora Vojvodine (RSGV) because of its size, representativeness and actuality: it is the largest single dictionary (ten volumes comprising over 2,000 pages), it has covered the vastests continual territory (at the same time most distant from the line of contact with Greek, and also beyond the borders of the Balkan linguistic unity), it falls in the number of the most up-to-date ones (published in the period 2001 to 2011). The paper offers not just a linear inventory of Grecisms from RSGV, but a classification of types of divergencies from the standard body of Grecisms. It features primarily novelties - be they represented by new words (ponomarh ‘cleric’, mironisati ‘to pray in the church’, parasnik ‘unruly person’), by new semantics (buklijaš ‘horse ridden by the man who carries buklija’, Grk ‘shopkeeper’, katarka ‘long pole onto which knife for cutting the fishing-net is poised’, kolaba ‘structure for drying meat in the attic’, kondir ‘bucket for cattle; mode of cutting wine’, krevet ‘laundry; chair; the lower layer of sheaves in a stook’, liman ‘underwater source’, mira ‘extract produced by cooking large amounts of fish in little water, used as an additon to fish-stew’, paripa ‘horse farm’), by new formation (krevetnjača ‘a solid piece of wood fencing a straw-mattress’, limaniti ‘to make a whirlpool’, talasnjača ‘rigging (on the boat)’, sulundariti se ‘to precipitate’), by new phonetics (ararh : jerarh, bukrijaš : buklijaš, kolaba : koliba, mengule : mengele, raoma/revoma/reoma /roma : reuma, tridofla /trndofl/trndofli/trandofil : trandafil, čelerak : ćiler), as well as certain archaisms (disage ‘saddlebags’, koram ‘belly’, trpan ‘sickle, pruning hook’; parasiti (se) ‘to give up, stop doing something’, komat ‘piece of bread’, pironj ‘big nail’; dgunja ’quince’, sektembar ‘September’), and some semantic rarities (kutlača ‘cooking spoon’, litanija ‘scolding’, mengule ‘troubles’, psaltirac ‘pupil who studies psaltir’, trpeznik ‘tablecloth’). Since the body of some two hundred Grecisms in RSGV contains not only a number of them with considerable phonetic, formative and semantic shifts, but also some rarely or nowhere registered words or meanings, it can be expected that in more Southern parts of the Serbian language territory such finds will be even more abundant. Therefore, it can be concluded that it certainly does make sense to proceed with studying Greek loanwords in Serbian vernaculars in future.
- Published
- 2011
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9. Dvesti let knige Savy Mrkalja 'Salo debeloga jera libo azbukoprotres'(1810-2010)
- Author
Mladenović Aleksandar
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V nastojaščej rabote avtor obraščaet vnimanie čitatelej na reformu serbskoj kirillicy Savvy Mrkalja, provedennoj v 1810 godu v knige, ukazannoj vyše v nazvanii. Eto pervaja vseohvatyvajuščaja reforma serbskoj azbuki, kotoruju Vuk Karadžič prinjal v 1814 g. i dvaždy ee dorabatyval (1814 i 1818 g. g.), dovedja takim obrazom serbskuju kirillicu do ee polnogo soveršenstva. Krome togo, avtor dannoj raboty otmečaet, čto Savva Mrkal' v 1817 godu ne otkazalsja ot reformirovannoj im v 1810 g. kirillicy, čto emu v serbskoj nauke XX veka desjateletijami pripisyvalos' neargumentirovanno i nespravedlivo. Savva Mrkal' v 1817 godu otčasti izmenil svoju poziciju v otnošenii bukvy'', no eta ediničnaja detal' nikak ne možet označat' ego otkaz ot ego polnoj reformy kirillicy.
- Published
- 2010
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10. Kommunikativno-funkcional'naja specifika kosvennyh rečevyh aktov so značeniem pobuždenija
- Author
Maslova Alina Ju.
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V dannoj stat'e predprinjata popytka rassmotret' kommunikativno-funkcional'nuju specifiku pobuditel'nyh kosvennyh rečevyh aktov. Fatika bolee prisposoblena k kosvennomu sposobu vyraženija, čem informatika. V issledovanii ustanovleno, čto vyskazyvanija ili ego komponenty, nosjaščie fatičeskij harakter, predstavljajut soboj osobuju gruppu kosvennyh rečevyh aktov, v tom čisle i pobuditel'nyh. Na materiale russkogo, serbskogo i bolgarskogo jazykov v sopostavitel'nom aspekte rassmotreno funkcionirovanie jazykovyh sredstv, v častnosti glagolov sluhovogo i zritel'nogo vosprijatija, realizujuščih odnovremenno fatičeskuju i imperativnuju funkcii.
- Published
- 2010
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11. Opuščenie vspomogatel'nogo glagola 'byt'' v prošedšem vremeni v lehitskih jazykah
- Author
Nomati Motoki
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V dannoj stat'e rassmatrivaetsja ellipsis vspomogatel'nogo glagola «byt'» pri obrazovanii formy prošedšego vremeni v tak nazyvaemyh lehitskih jazykah. Proanalizirovav sinhroničeskie i diahroničeskie materialy polabskogo, kašubskogo i slovinskogo jazykov, avtor prišel k vyvodu, čto ellipsis vspomogatel'nogo glagola «byt'» javljaetsja rezul'tatom grammatikalizacii mestoimenija kak pokazatelja lica prošedšego vremeni i v slovinskom jazyke stepen' grammatikalizacii dannoj konstrukcii vyše, čem v kašubskom i polabskom jazykah.
- Published
- 2010
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12. Semantičeskie issledovanija Ireny Grickat
- Author
Dragićević Rajna
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V rabote govoritsja o semantičeskih issledovanijah Ireny Grickat. Klassificirujutsja glavnye motivy i temy ee issledovanij, obobščajutsja ih rezul'taty. Takže ukazyvaetsja na značenie 60-tyh godov prošlogo veka dlja tvorčestva Ireny Grickat, opredeljaetsja ee pozicija po otnošeniju k dominantnym napravlenijam lingvistiki i jazykovedčeskoj literatury.
- Published
- 2010
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13. Slaveno-Serbian language: Between simplicity and perfection
- Author
Ivanova Najda
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
In the studies on Slaveno-Serbian period of the history of Serbian literary language one discrepancy is examined. The latter refers to the key role of the aforementioned period for the integration of Serbian society to the values of rationalism and Enlightment and the imposed negative stereotypes of Slaveno Serbian written praxis as deprived of norm and codification respectively. As long as this hybrid type of literary language derives under the predominant influence of extra linguistic factors, it cannot be investigated neither from the perspective of contemporary views on unification and stability of literary norm, nor by implementing methods of historical dialectology and historical grammar. In the recent paper the regulating role of stylistic conventions of the period in question in using language elements of different origin is emphasized. Then, the necessity of examining discoursively determined selective position of the writers on language and literature development as well as on sociocultural processes in Serbian society are outlined.
- Published
- 2010
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14. Sud'ba soglasnogo h v dokumente Paštrovske isprave (XVI-XIX vv.)
- Author
Stojanović Elica
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V nastojaščej rabote predstavleno issledovanie sud'by soglasnogo h v dokumente Paštrovske isprave (XVI-XIX vv.). Rassmatrivajutsja raznye pozicii soglasnogo h v slove: inicial'naja, medial'naja i final'naja, t. e. primery sohranenija soglasnogo, ego utraty ili zameny drugimi soglasnymi. Avtor predprinjal popytku osvetit' dannyj vopros v sopostavitel'nom dialektnom i diahroničeskom aspektah. Na osnove izučennogo materiala bylo vyjavleno, čto soglasnyj h v osnovnom sohranjaetsja vo vseh pozicijah v slove, no v tože vremja vo vseh pozicijah vstrečajutsja i ediničnye slučai utratyh ili zameny ego drugimi soglasnymi: g, f, k; v nekotoryh slučajah zijanie kompensiruetsja soglasnym v.
- Published
- 2010
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15. Koncepcija suppletivizma v rossijskoj grammatičeskoj tradicii (na serbskom materiale)
- Author
Tjapko Galina G.
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
S vvedenija v naučnyj oborot termina "suppletivizm" prošlo bolee dvuh stoletij, no do sih por eto odno iz samyh neopredelennyh ponjatij. Eto svjazano s tem, čto v issledovanijah suppletivizma sošlis' dva napravlenija - sravnitel'no-istoričeskoe (diahroničeskoe) i "funkcional'noe" (sinhronnoe). Oba napravlenija issledujut edinicy jazyka, obrazovannye "ne po pravilu", otnosjaščiesja k "dopolnitel'noj distribucii". Odnako otbor edinic osuščestvljaetsja imi po raznym kriterijam i iz raznyh kontinuumov. Značitel'nyj vklad v razrabotku problematiki suppletivnyh otnošenij vnesli rossijskie učenye, izmenivšie predstavlenie o suppletivizme kak ob uzkom, perežitočnom i zastyvšem javlenii. Oni pokazali prikladnuju cennost' učeta suppletivnyh otnošenij - pri razrabotke jazyka leksikografičeskih definicij, v soveršenstvovanii programm mašinnogo perevoda, v aspekte kul'tury reči, v prepodavanii jazyka. Eto i opredelilo temu stat'i, v kotoroj dan kritičeskij analiz raznyh podhodov k opredeleniju suppletivizma, sformirovavšihsja v otečestvennoj nauke. V stat'e pokazana postepennaja transformacija čisto istoričeskogo vzgljada na suppletivizm i perehod k ego funkcional'noj interpretacii - s oporoj na sistemnye svjazi sovremennogo jazyka. Predstavlena argumentacija storonnikov vključenija v sostav suppletivov raznourovnevyh edinic, a takže par iz odnoslovnyh i analitičeskih sostavljajuščih. Podtverždaetsja zavisimost' suppletivizma ot tipologičeskih osobennostej jazyka, opredeljajutsja faktory, regulirujuščie stepen' ego prozračnosti.
- Published
- 2010
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16. Vytrenica - demon creature from the Slavic myths in 'Skazanije o pismeneh' by Konstantin Philosopher (Konstantin Kostenecki)
- Author
Jovanović Gordana
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
In the work of Konstantin Philosopher (Konstantin Kostenecki) named Skazanije o pismeneh appears the word vytrenica. This word is related to the word vetar („wind“) which is, according to the myths of Slavic peoples, inhabeted by the souls of dead people and demons. Evil winds are the source of many hard diseases such as epilepsy, mental derangement, rabies. vytrenica is a witch, a demon which predicts some unfortunate events. It appeared in Belgrade after the death of Despot Stefan, announcing to its citizens the fall of the town and misfortune. Fortunately, predictions did not come true.
- Published
- 2010
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17. Dahija and daija - 'A tyrant' and 'A hero'
- Author
Petrović Snežana
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The noun dahija „head of the janissary; tyrant“ is present in Serbian primarily as a title of the characters from the popular epic poetry and literature from the 19th century, although it is not frequently used in the standard language any more. A form daija „hero, knight“, on the other hand, is attested only in two Serbian dialectal dictionaries from the region of Kosovo and Metohija. The paper analyzes forms, meanings and the etymology of those two words. Discussed are the reasons for the appearance of the non-etymological h in the widespread form dahija. Enlightened are historical, cultural and linguistic circumstances that lead to the borrowing of these two words in different, even opposite, meanings. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, 148004: Etimološka istraživanja srpskog jezika i izrada Etimološkog rečnika srpskog jezika]
- Published
- 2010
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18. nema
- Author
Ružić Vladislava
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
- Published
- 2010
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19. O složnyh predloženijah s pridatočnymi mesta ili napravlenija v Serbskom jazyke
- Author
Piper Predrag
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V nastojaščej stat'e rassmatrivajutsja složnye predloženija s pridatočnymi mesta ili napravlenija v sovremennom serbskom literaturnom jazyke. V pervoj čast'i stat'i analizirujutsja mehanizmy vyraženija značenija mesta ili napravlenija formoj složnopodčinennogo predloženija, v osnovu kotoryh založena lokalizacija odnih situativnyh struktur po otnošeniju k drugim, a takže rassmatrivajutsja pervičnye i vtoričnye sintaksičeskie funkcii pridatočnoj časti v takih složnopodčinennyh predloženijah. Vo vtoroj časti stat'i osoboe vnimanie udeljaetsja formam i funcijam korreljativov i porjadku slov v pridatočnyh predloženijah mesta ili napravlenija. V celom issledovanie pokazyvaet, čto, nesmotrja na otnositel'no skromnoe mesto, kotoroe v naučnoj literature polučili složnye predloženija s pridatočnymi mesta ili napravlenija v serbskom jazyke, takie predloženija otličajutsja bol'šim formal'nym, semantičeskim i funkcional'nym raznoobraziem.
- Published
- 2010
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20. Tracing the origin of S-Cr. novac 'money'
- Author
Vlajić-Popović Jasna
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The paper points at the imprecision of the hitherto prevailing etymology of S-Cr. novac ‘money’ as an univerbization departing from the adjective nov ‘new’, through an undated and undefined *novi penez /dinar. After a review of previous interpretations and the corpus of lexicographic attestations of the noun novac, the areal distribution of its earliest Croatian and Serbian attestations (from the 16th and 17th centuries respectively), as well as the 18th century Sln. novz ‘nummus ungaricus’ is taken as an indication of Hungarian source of influence. Hence the nomination impulse is found in Latin, the official language in medieval Hungary, where in some 15th century legal documents from the Zagreb court the syntagm novorum denariorum (Gen. pl.) occurs simultaneously and synonymously with the nominalized adj. novos (Acc. pl.). The semantic borrowing into local Slavic novac /novec ‘new coin (initially 1/100 of a dukat)’, evolves into ‘coin of small value’ and eventually, through a negative phrase nemati ni novca ‘to be broke’ (lit.: ‘to have not a single penny’) into ‘money (in general); wealth’. In both meanings it entered the vernaculars of the entire Štokavian territory (some time during the 18th century), which is reflected in folk poetry, paremiology, etc. The term novac has suppressed the previously widespread Slavic term penezi /pjenezi /pinezi and entered a co-existence with the Turcism para f. ‘coin’, pare pl. ‘money’ which lasts into this day. Since the nomination from the adj. nov is unique among standardly known terms for money (cf. Buck s.v.), a precious onomasiological parallelism to this formation is discovered in Serb. dial. novica ‘a Turkish 20 gr coin’, ‘a fake coin’.
- Published
- 2010
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21. Predstavlenie sub'ekta i ob'ekta pri nominalizacii
- Author
Tanasić Sreto
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V rabote govoritsja o sud'be sub''ekta i ob''ekta pri nominalizacii predikata v sovremennom serbskom literaturnom jazyke. Kogda v predloženii skazuemoe zamenjaetsja otglagol'nym suščestvitel'nym, svedenija o sub''ekte i ob''ekte predloženija s glagol'nym predikatom mogut sohranit'sja, no pri etom oni vyražajutsja sintaksemami, kotorye naprjamuju zavisjat uže ne ot glagola, a ot suščestvitel'nogo. Čašče vsego na sub''ekt i ob''ekt ukazyvaet forma roditel'nogo padeža s posessivnym značeniem i pritjažatel'noe prilagatel'noe. Obe dannye formy ispol'zujutsja i dlja vyraženija značenija sub''ekta pri nominalizacii neperehodnyh glagolov. Pri nominalizacii vyskazyvanij s perehodnym glagolom, kogda neobhodimo eksplicitno vyrazit' i sub''ektnoe, i ob''ektnoe značenie, dannye dve edinicy raspredeljajutsja po sledujuščemu principu: na sub''ekt ukazyvaetsja pritjažatel'nym prilagatel'nym (ili mestoimeniem), a na ob''ektformoj roditel'nogo padeža s posessivnym značeniem. Posessivnyj roditel'nyj padež ličnyh mestoimenij ne ispol'zuetsja. Esli že v nominalizirovannom vyskazyvanii odin iz etih elementov ne vyražen, togda dannoe pravilo ne dejstvuet. Analiz pokazal, čto obe sintaksičeskie edinicy upotrebljajutsja dlja ukazanija na sub''ektnoe i ob''ektnoe značenie. Suščestvujut različnye faktory, kotorye vlijajut na vybor dannyh sredstv. Pojavlenie formy roditel'nogo padeža pri naličii otglagol'nogo suščestvitel'nogo ne daet svedenij o tom, vyražaet li ob''ekt dejstvija čast' celogo ili celoe. Analiz takže pokazal, čto v processe nominalizacii ispol'zuetsja i glagol'noe dekomponirovanie. Pri naličii otglagol'nyh suščestvitel'nyh togda možet byt' drugoe rešenie dlja ukazanija na ob''ektnoe značenie. V rabote podtverždaetsja mnenie, čto formy roditel'nogo padeža dlja ukazanija i na sub''ekt, i na ob''ekt dejstvija ne vsegda stojat posle otglagol'nyh suščestvitel'nyh. Odnako pokazatel'no, čto sub''ekt dejstvija, kogda on odnovremenno javljaetsja i prjamym agensom, vyražaetsja konstrukciej od (strane) + roditel'nyj padež, kotoraja v sovremennom serbskom jazyke ispol'zuetsja dlja vyraženija agensa passivnyh predloženij so stradatel'nym pričastiem. Dannaja konstrukcija upotrebljaetsja i v teh slučajah, kogda dve drugie mogut vypolnit' ukazannuju funkciju, no inogda ona javljaetsja edinstvennym vozmožnym sredstvom dlja vyraženija dannoj funkcii. Konstrukcija vsegda stoit sprava ot otglagol'nogo suščestvitel'nogo.
- Published
- 2010
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22. O nekotoryh fonologičeskih variacijah i variantah imen 'Pomjannika monastyrja Krušedol' (XVI-XVII vv)
- Author
Novakov Dragana
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V dannoj rabote provedeno issledovanie suffiksov na materiale «Pomjannika monastyrja Krušedol» - serbskoj rukopisnoj knigi, kotoraja sozdavalas' so vtoroj poloviny XVI do pervoj poloviny XVII veka. Osoboe vnimanie v dannom pamjatnike obraščeno na slavjanskie osnovy s neslavjanskimi suffiksami i naoborot.
- Published
- 2010
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23. On morphosyntactic and semantic conditions of conjuction syntactic transformations - gde, kako, da
- Author
Stanojčić Živojin
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Author is discussing the ways in which semantic transformations of three Serbian dependent clause conjunctions (gde, kako, kad) occur. The main author’s idea is that the morpho-syntactic structure has a significant role in conditions that make possible the use of these three conjunctions with the same syntactic value.
- Published
- 2010
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24. Kratkij obzor pervyh serbskih bukvarej
- Author
Čigoja Brankica
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V nastojaščej rabote avtor rassmatrivaet razvitie navykov pis'mennosti v sledujuščie periody: v period upotreblenija serbsko-slavjanskogo i narodnogo jazyka, v period russko-slavjanskogo i narodnoga jazyka, v period slavjano-serbskogo i narodnogo jazyka do serediny XIX veka čerez prizmu jazyka i pis'mo pervyh serbskih bukvarej (v osnovnom napečatannyh, a takže rukopisnyh).
- Published
- 2010
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25. Romanskoe vlijanie na staroserbskij sintaksis
- Author
Pavlović Slobodan
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V nastojaščej rabote rassmatrivajutsja kontekstual'nye aspekty vlijanija romanskogo substrata i adstrata na staroserbskij sintaksis. Na sintaksis staroserbskogo razgovornogo jazyka mogli vlijat' vlašskie, dalmatinskie i ital'janskie dialekty. Na sintaksis staroserbskoj pis'mennosti (krome serbsko-slavjanskogo jazyka i romanskogo substrata) okazali vlijanie latinskij i ital'janskij jazyki, poskol'ku na territorii rasprostranenija serbskogo jazyka peresekalis' dve velikie kul'tury: Pax Slavia Orthodoxa i Pax Romana Catholica. Sintaksičeskoe vlijanie latinskogo i ital'janskogo jazykov na staro-serbskuju pis'mennost' osuščestvljalos' prežde vsego čerez zapadnye obrazcy delovoj perepiski. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije: Istorija srpskog jezika]
- Published
- 2010
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26. Fuzzy logic in linguistics: Its basic concepts and terminology
- Author
Radovanović Milorad
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
In this article the implementation of fuzzy logic in linguistics is concerned, with special reference to so-called ‘fuzzy linguistics’ and ‘cognitive linguistics’. In this respect, some basic concepts and terms are discussed: antonymy (including both gradable and non-gradable antonyms), scales (scalar systems, monoscalar systems, biscalar systems, overlapping scalar systems), qualitative / quantitative scalar adjustment, zero value / point (including subterm, supraterm, mid-zone), granularity, transcategorization, conversion, open categories, fuzzy boundaries, prototypes, centre and periphery, vagueness, an so on. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 148002: Opis i standardizacija savremenog srpskog jezika]
- Published
- 2010
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27. Fonetičeskie osobennosti govora Serbov v nekotoryh poselenijah severnoj Bosnii
- Author
Dragičevič Milan
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
V rabote predstavleny važnye fonetičeskie osobennosti govora žitelej treh serbskih poselenij v okrestnostjah Derventy (nebol'šogo goroda v severnoj Bosnii), raspoložennyh po pravomu beregu srednego tečenija reki Ukriny, v krae, kotoryj takže nazyvaetsja Krnin ili Vakuf. Izložennye dannye pokazyvajut, čto v govore žitelej etih poselenij v bol'šinstve slučaev nabljudajutsja dialektnye fonetičeskie osobennosti, kotorye harakterny dlja severo-zapadnoj gruppy govorov gercegovinsko-krainskogo (vostočnogercegovinskogo) dialekta.
- Published
- 2010
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28. On the accusative with participle: Typological and cognitive aspects
- Author
Grković-Major Jasmina
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
This paper deals with the the complements of the verbs of visual and auditory perception in Old Church Slavonic: Accusative with participle (AP) and clause. The two types of complements are semantically differentiated by evidentiality: AP serves for the firsthand evidentiality and the clause for the non-firsthand evidentiality. Since AP is attested in Old Russian, Old Czech as well in some other old Slavonic languages, it is evident that it was an indigenous Slavic construction. It belongs to the Indo-European syntactic inheritance - the appositive double accusative. Since in early Indo-European the accusative was a general adverbial case, it expressed both types of evidentiality. With the typological drift of Indo-European and its daughter languages toward a nominative language type, which meant the development of syntactic transitivity, the AP was reanalyzed as an object, but only in the cases of the firsthand evidentiality (where the subject has control over the information). For non-firsthand evidentiality, another strategy, inherited also from the proto-language, was used: a sentence with delimitative connective(s). This process was finished by the end of Proto-Slavonic, as testified by Old Church Slavonic. In the process of the further strengthening of transitivity, which gave a prominent role to the predicate as the centripetal core of the sentence, the other predicative center - the active participle - had to be removed, while the passive participle was reanalyzed as an adjective. This led to the loss of the AP in the early history of Slavic languages and the development of hypotactic structures. It was a long process, marked by the competition of different particles and deictic forms which were on the way to be grammaticalized into conjunctions. It ended with the formation of the two types of conjunctions for the two types of evidentiality, e.g. jak - že in Czech, da - če in Bulgarian, kako - da in Serbian, kak - čto in Russian etc. This shows not only the importance of evidentiality in a diachronic perspective but also that its formalization is based on the language type.
- Published
- 2010
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29. One sententional model with the prepositional accusativ AS proleptic subject
- Author
Antonić Ivana
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The topic of this paper is a model of two-predicate sentence in which with the matrix predication, which makes the so-called sentential-transitive verb, there appears accusative with the preposition ZA (for) and the complement clause with the conjunction DA (that). On the basis of such formal structure, it represents a sentence with two objects - one non-propositional object in the form of the prepositional accusative - indirect type and the other propositional object, sententially formalized. Conducted analysis showed that this is a specific sentential model which could be viewed at several relevant levels: at the syntactic, syntactic-semantic, semantic and pragmatic level, because only that way one can view all its features. It turned out that the status of complement clause was not problematic - it is a propositional-sentential object, obligatorily postponed both to the basic predication and to the prepositional accusative, but the prepositional accusative, though placed in the matrix sentence, is not in the direct correlation with its predication, so it is not its object, but has the function of PROLEPTIC SUBJECT of the complement clause (in the periphrasis test, the prepositional accusative is turned into nominative and is placed inside the complement clause), and semantically it is a pseudoagent: the bearer of the feature expressed in the predicate of the complement clause whose referent most frequently has the feature ‘alive’ ‘human’, but can also be abstract. Therefore, the verbs which appear in the matrix predication are the verbs of simple, obligatorily propositional-sentential transitivity which in addition also belong to specific semantic classes: it is the case with the verbs of cognition: primarily the basic verb of having knowledge znati (know) and the verbs of acquiring knowledge saznati, doznati (get to know); the verbs of a different degree of certainty about the factual situation: the verb garantovati (guarantee) and the copulative-adjectival structure biti siguran (be certain), biti ubeđen (be assured) and the verbs verovati (believe), misliti (think); then the verb of fictitious cognition uobražavati (imagine); the verbs of speaking pričati (talk) and, used in that meaning, the verbs čuti (hear), čitati (read), then kazati (say), šuškati ‘speak quietly’ (whisper), sumnjati (doubt), nagađati (suspect); and at the end the verbs of fear: brinuti se ‘fear’ (worry), bojati se (fear), pribojavati se (have fears), plašiti se (fear), strepeti (fear for), strahovati (be apprehensive). Since with these verbs the complement proposition acquires various features when it comes to factivity, this sentential model is analyzed from that perspective, too. Finally, the paper also discusses the frequency of negative / positive characterization of the referent of the proleptic subject.
- Published
- 2010
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30. The basic characteristics of legal and economic terminology in the Banjska Charter
- Author
Grković Milica
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The Banjska Charter was written at the beginning of the 14th century. It has over 2000 lines of text, thus giving us a good picture of language in medieval Serbia. This paper gives an overview of the legal and economic terminology in the charter. This analysis shows that terminologies in medieval Serbia preserved a common character and that they were mostly of Slavic origin, with the exception of religious terminology, where terms of foreign origin prevailed.
- Published
- 2010
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31. Jazykovye osobennosti rukopisnogo Zakonnika pervoj poloviny XVI veka
- Author
Nedeljković Jasmina
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Rukopisnaja kniga «Zakonnik» sozdavalas', soglasno vodjanym znakam, v period s 1525 do 1535 goda. Ee napisal (kako ukazano v special'noj zapisi) ieromonah Gennadij dlja manastyrja Blagoveščenie. Narodnyj jazyk ieromonaha Gennadija, soglasno rjadu fonetičeskih i morfologičeskih priznakov, prinadležit sovremennomu prizrensko-južno-moravskomu poddialektu.
- Published
- 2010
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32. All researches conducted so far the influence of the Romanian language on the lexicon of the Serbian vernaculars in the Romanian Banat
- Author
Bošnjaković Žarko and Radan Mihaj N.
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The authors present the synthetic review of literature about the Serbian vernaculars in Romania with the special emphasis on the lexical interference with the Romanian language and its Banat dialect. The paper also points to the semantic fields in which foreign lexemes apper, as well to the periods of their incorporation in the Serbian vernaculars. A special aspect of the analysis represents a status of foreign lexical items in the idiolect. At the end, the autors plead for the elaboration of the contactological Romanian-Serbian dictionary.
- Published
- 2010
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33. Irena Grickat-Radulović is a great Serbian lexicographer and a great lexicography teacher
- Author
Gortan-Premk Darinka
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Irena Grickat-Radulović was a great Serbian lexicographer, great lexicography teacher, founder of modern Serbian lexicography and creator of Belgrade school of lexicography. Her contribution to linguistic descriptive lexicography is immense.
- Published
- 2010
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34. Proto-Indo-European verb and Slavic etymology
- Author
Loma Aleksandar
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
In Balto-Slavic, the large scope of stem variation within the verbal system inherited from Proto-Indo-European was reduced, on the paradigmatic level, to few apophonic verbs, reduplicated and nasal presents, but the former variety left traces in the lexicon, as alternate stems of an original paradigm gave rise to new paradigms, formally independent and semantically distinguished from each other. Bearing in mind this process may be helpful in solving etymological dilemmas and reconsidering problematic etymologies. This possibility is illustrated here by four instances of an etymological connection reestablishable, in Slavic, between apparently unrelated verbal stems if taking into account the Proto‑Indo‑European verb morphonology.
- Published
- 2010
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35. nema
- Author
Piper Predrag
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
- Published
- 2013
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36. The qualifying role of the genitive nominal form with od
- Author
Ivić Milka
- Subjects
nema ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The authoress analyses different forms and meanings of the genitive nominal form with od in situations when it performs a qualifying role, and calls attention to some urgent problems which is necessary to solve as soon as possible.
- Published
- 2010
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37. Bibliografija časopisa Južnoslovenski filolog I (1913) - LXVIII (2012)
- Author
Ana V. Golubović
- Subjects
lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,General Medicine - Abstract
- Published
- 2013
38. On meaning of adjectives as a cause and consequence of their collocabilities
- Author
Rajna Dragicevic
- Subjects
Lexeme ,Collocation ,Context (language use) ,General Medicine ,language.human_language ,Linguistics ,lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,German ,Very frequent ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,Noun ,language ,Meaning (existential) ,Serbian ,Psychology - Abstract
This paper explores a theoretical point of view that the collocability is determined by the meaning of a lexeme and also represents its consequence. Our main goal is to show that these two factors may contribute with different intensity, and that context may have greater or lesser effect on the meaning of a lexeme. The analysis proves that the context has a lesser effect on more frequent lexemes and does not have a permanent effect on their meaning, but on the other hand, context has a greater effect on infrequent lexemes and has a greater effect on their semantic content. This even applies in a case of a lexeme used separately. Even analysis of two unrelated languages (Serbian and German) shows that the most frequent associations on infrequent adjectives are the nouns frequently used with them, which means that frequently used collocations produce an effect on them even out of context. Furthermore, there are examples in lexicography that infrequent adjectives are defined by collocations peculiar for infrequent lexemes. On the other hand, the most frequent verbal associations of Serbian and German respondents on very frequent adjectives are not the nouns usually found in their collocations, but their antonyms, thus it is possible to conclude that the context has no any effect. The conclusion is that collocability is determined by the meaning of a lexeme and it also represents its consequence, and at the same time the collocation effect on a lexeme is greater if the lexeme is less frequent.
- Published
- 2011
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39. Podcinennye kontrastnye predlozenija v sovremennom serbskom jazyke
- Author
Sreto Tanasic
- Subjects
lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,General Medicine - Abstract
(ruski) V sovremennom serbskom jazyke suscestvuet odin tip predloženij s sojuzom dok, kotorye do sih por nedostatocno opisany. Sintaksiceski oni ne prinadležat složnosocinennym protivitel’nym predloženijam, nesmotrja na to, cto oni na semanticeskom urovne shodny meždu soboj, v to vremja kak na sintaksiceskom urovne obladajut osobenostjami, harakternymi dlja vseh složnopodcinennyh predloženij. S drugoj storony dannye predloženija nevozmožno otnesti ni k pridatocnym predloženijam vremeni s sojuzom dok. Avtor v dannoj rabote opisal sintaksiceskie harakteristikiukazannogo tipa predloženij i pokazal, v ceem oni otlicajutsja ot složnopodcinennyh vremennyh predloženij s sojuzom dok. V pervuju ocered’ složnopodcinennye predloženija vremeni s sojuzom dok harakterizujutsja naliciem odnovremennosti dejstvij, vyražennyh predikatom upravljajuscej i podcinennoj temporal’noj klauzy. Vsložnopodcinennyh kontrastnyh predloženijah takaja situacija možet otsustvovat’. V podcinennoj vremennoj klauze s sojuzom dok na urovne buduscego vstrecaetsja buduscee vtoroe vremja ili prezens kak ego ekvivalent po otnoseniju k buduscemu pervomu vremeni v upravljajuscej klauze. V složnopodcinennom kontrastnom predloženii takoe raspredelenie glagol’nyh form nevozmožno, odnako vozmožno pojavlenie formy buduscego pervogo i v upravljajuscej i v podcinennoj klauze. I nakonec, imejutsja slucai, kogda dejstvja upravljajuscej i podcinennoj klauzy v kontrastnom predloženii prinadležat odnomu vremennomu planu, odnako meždu nimi ne ustanavlivaetsja vremennoe otnosenie, a otnoseneie protivitel’nosti. Poetomu v klauzu, kontrastiruemuju s predyduscej, vsegda možno vkljucit’ sintagmu nasuprot tome i drugie shodnye sintagmy obladajuscie znaceniem kontrastnogo adverbial’nogo opredelenija, cto ne javljaetsja vozmožnym, kogda rec’ idet o vremennom predloženii s sojuzom dok.
- Published
- 2011
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40. Morfologičeskie osobennosti govora serbov treh poselenij v severnoj Bosnii
- Author
Milan Dragicevic
- Subjects
lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,General Medicine - Abstract
(ruski) V rabote predstavleny vaznye morfologiceskie osobennosti govora zitelej treh serbskih poselenij v okrestnostjah Derventy (nebol?sogo goroda v severnoj Bosnii), raspolozennyh po pravomu beregu srednego tecenija reki Ukriny, v krae, kotoryj takze nazyvaetsja Krnin ili Vakuf. Izlozennye dannye pokazyvajut, cto v govore zitelej etih poselenij v bol?sinstve slucaev nabljudajutsja dialektnye osobennosti, kotorye harakterny dlja severo-zapadnoj gruppy govorov gercegovinsko-krainskogo (vostocno-gercegovinskogo) dialekta, no v sklonenijah javljajutsja i nekotorye osobennosti harakterny dlja govorov jugo-vostocnoj gruppy etogo dialekta.
- Published
- 2011
41. Jazyk sakruma kak predmet issledovanij v rusistike
- Author
Ksenija Koncarevic
- Subjects
lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,General Medicine - Abstract
(ruski) V rabote predlagaetsja obzor teolingvisticeskih issledovanij v rusistike, rassmatrivaetsja ee teoretiko-metodologiceskij i ponjatijno kategorial’nyj apparat i kriticeski obsuždajutsja važnejsie rezul’taty, dostignutye v poslednem desjatiletii HH i pervom desjatiletii XXI veka v fundamental’nyh i prikladnyh oblastjah izucenija jazyka sakruma, kotorye izlagajutsja v dissertacijah, monograficeskih publikacijah, trudah, opublikovannyh v tematiceskih sbornikah, sbornikov materialov naucnyh konferencij i v naucnyh žurnalah v Rossijskoj Federacii (s bibliograficeskimi referencami). Važnym dostiženiem rossijskoj teolingvistiki, kak otmecaet avtor, javljaetsja priznanie ucenymi nalicija samostojatel’nogo funkcional’nogo stilja, svjazannogo s religioznoj sferoj, vydelenie osobyh sakral’nyh žanrov s prisuscimi každomu iz nih stilisticeskimi osobennostjami, a takže vyjavlenie v sovremennom russkom literaturnom jazyke raznourovnevyh konfessional’no markirovannyh sredstv. Kritike podvergajutsja otdel’nye klassifikacionnye i terminologiceskie nedocety i predlagaetsja bolee sirokoe vnedrenie v rusistiku novyh kljucevyh kategorij, relevantnyh dlja teolingvisticeskih issledovanij, takih, kak sakral’nyj//profannyj funkcional’no-stilevoj kompleks.
- Published
- 2011
42. Greek loanwords in Serbian vernaculars on the territory of Vojvodina
- Author
Jasna Vlajic-Popovic
- Subjects
lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,Mode (music) ,nema ,History ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,language ,%22">Fish ,Phonetics ,General Medicine ,Serbian ,language.human_language ,Linguistics ,Period (music) - Abstract
This paper presents a pilot version of a more comprehensive study on Greek loanwords in Serbian vernaculars which will deal with their identification, distribution, periodisation, and adaptation. The materials excerpted from the presently existing dialectal dictionaries will be compared with the data from three classical sources on the topic: VASMER, POPOVIC 1953-1955, and SKOK. In this phase our goal was to find out whether there is any point in proceeding with the study of Greek loanwords in Serbian, after the results that have been reached by the three abovementioned authors. Our choice for the pilot analysis is Recnik srpskih govora Vojvodine (RSGV) because of its size, representativeness and actuality: it is the largest single dictionary (ten volumes comprising over 2,000 pages), it has covered the vastests continual territory (at the same time most distant from the line of contact with Greek, and also beyond the borders of the Balkan linguistic unity), it falls in the number of the most up-to-date ones (published in the period 2001 to 2011). The paper offers not just a linear inventory of Grecisms from RSGV, but a classification of types of divergencies from the standard body of Grecisms. It features primarily novelties - be they represented by new words (ponomarh ‘cleric’, mironisati ‘to pray in the church’, parasnik ‘unruly person’), by new semantics (buklijas ‘horse ridden by the man who carries buklija’, Grk ‘shopkeeper’, katarka ‘long pole onto which knife for cutting the fishing-net is poised’, kolaba ‘structure for drying meat in the attic’, kondir ‘bucket for cattle; mode of cutting wine’, krevet ‘laundry; chair; the lower layer of sheaves in a stook’, liman ‘underwater source’, mira ‘extract produced by cooking large amounts of fish in little water, used as an additon to fish-stew’, paripa ‘horse farm’), by new formation (krevetnjaca ‘a solid piece of wood fencing a straw-mattress’, limaniti ‘to make a whirlpool’, talasnjaca ‘rigging (on the boat)’, sulundariti se ‘to precipitate’), by new phonetics (ararh : jerarh, bukrijas : buklijas, kolaba : koliba, mengule : mengele, raoma/revoma/reoma /roma : reuma, tridofla /trndofl/trndofli/trandofil : trandafil, celerak : ciler), as well as certain archaisms (disage ‘saddlebags’, koram ‘belly’, trpan ‘sickle, pruning hook’; parasiti (se) ‘to give up, stop doing something’, komat ‘piece of bread’, pironj ‘big nail’; dgunja ’quince’, sektembar ‘September’), and some semantic rarities (kutlaca ‘cooking spoon’, litanija ‘scolding’, mengule ‘troubles’, psaltirac ‘pupil who studies psaltir’, trpeznik ‘tablecloth’). Since the body of some two hundred Grecisms in RSGV contains not only a number of them with considerable phonetic, formative and semantic shifts, but also some rarely or nowhere registered words or meanings, it can be expected that in more Southern parts of the Serbian language territory such finds will be even more abundant. Therefore, it can be concluded that it certainly does make sense to proceed with studying Greek loanwords in Serbian vernaculars in future.
- Published
- 2011
43. Cryptoglossia as part of linguistic practice of the slavophone population of Kosovo and Metohija
- Author
M Mitra Reljic
- Subjects
education.field_of_study ,Population ,General Medicine ,Linguistics ,lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,Phenomenon ,Life circumstances ,National Identities ,Sociology ,Slavic languages ,education ,Period (music) - Abstract
Due to frequent interethnic crises, territory occupations and other similar life circumstances, the Slavic population of Kosovo and Metohija, particularly the Serbs, have been too often forced to disquise their linguistic and national identities. In terms of its range of practice and of aspects of manifestation, this phenomenon, here referred to by the term cryptoglossia, was especially evident in the early post-conflict period at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. The paper discusses the causes, different aspects of manifestation, and consequences of the phenomenon, illustrating them with a number of examples taken from our study material.
- Published
- 2011
44. Fuzzy logic in linguistics: Its basic concepts and terminology
- Author
Milorad Radovanovic
- Subjects
lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,Computer science ,Scalar (mathematics) ,Vagueness ,General Medicine ,Granularity ,Fuzzy logic ,Linguistics ,Terminology - Abstract
In this article the implementation of fuzzy logic in linguistics is concerned, with special reference to so-called ‘fuzzy linguistics’ and ‘cognitive linguistics’. In this respect, some basic concepts and terms are discussed: antonymy (including both gradable and non-gradable antonyms), scales (scalar systems, monoscalar systems, biscalar systems, overlapping scalar systems), qualitative / quantitative scalar adjustment, zero value / point (including subterm, supraterm, mid-zone), granularity, transcategorization, conversion, open categories, fuzzy boundaries, prototypes, centre and periphery, vagueness, an so on. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 148002: Opis i standardizacija savremenog srpskog jezika]
- Published
- 2010
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45. Tracing the origin of S-Cr. novac 'money'
- Author
Jasna Vlajic-Popovic
- Subjects
Croatian ,Literature ,Poetry ,business.industry ,Philosophy ,General Medicine ,Ancient history ,language.human_language ,Paremiology ,lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,Etymology ,language ,Nomination ,Slavic languages ,business ,Serbian ,Adjective - Abstract
The paper points at the imprecision of the hitherto prevailing etymology of S-Cr. novac ?money? as an univerbization departing from the adjective nov ?new?, through an undated and undefined *novi penez /dinar. After a review of previous interpretations and the corpus of lexicographic attestations of the noun novac, the areal distribution of its earliest Croatian and Serbian attestations (from the 16th and 17th centuries respectively), as well as the 18th century Sln. novz ?nummus ungaricus? is taken as an indication of Hungarian source of influence. Hence the nomination impulse is found in Latin, the official language in medieval Hungary, where in some 15th century legal documents from the Zagreb court the syntagm novorum denariorum (Gen. pl.) occurs simultaneously and synonymously with the nominalized adj. novos (Acc. pl.). The semantic borrowing into local Slavic novac /novec ?new coin (initially 1/100 of a dukat)?, evolves into ?coin of small value? and eventually, through a negative phrase nemati ni novca ?to be broke? (lit.: ?to have not a single penny?) into ?money (in general); wealth?. In both meanings it entered the vernaculars of the entire Stokavian territory (some time during the 18th century), which is reflected in folk poetry, paremiology, etc. The term novac has suppressed the previously widespread Slavic term penezi /pjenezi /pinezi and entered a co-existence with the Turcism para f. ?coin?, pare pl. ?money? which lasts into this day. Since the nomination from the adj. nov is unique among standardly known terms for money (cf. Buck s.v.), a precious onomasiological parallelism to this formation is discovered in Serb. dial. novica ?a Turkish 20 gr coin?, ?a fake coin?.
- Published
- 2010
46. Romanskoe vlijanie na staroserbskij sintaksis
- Author
Slobodan Pavlovic
- Subjects
lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,General Medicine - Abstract
V nastojaščej rabote rassmatrivajutsja kontekstual'nye aspekty vlijanija romanskogo substrata i adstrata na staroserbskij sintaksis. Na sintaksis staroserbskogo razgovornogo jazyka mogli vlijat' vlašskie, dalmatinskie i ital'janskie dialekty. Na sintaksis staroserbskoj pis'mennosti (krome serbsko-slavjanskogo jazyka i romanskogo substrata) okazali vlijanie latinskij i ital'janskij jazyki, poskol'ku na territorii rasprostranenija serbskogo jazyka peresekalis' dve velikie kul'tury: Pax Slavia Orthodoxa i Pax Romana Catholica. Sintaksičeskoe vlijanie latinskogo i ital'janskogo jazykov na staro-serbskuju pis'mennost' osuščestvljalos' prežde vsego čerez zapadnye obrazcy delovoj perepiski. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije: Istorija srpskog jezika]
- Published
- 2010
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47. Kratkij obzor pervyh serbskih bukvarej
- Author
Brankica Cigoja
- Subjects
lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,General Medicine - Abstract
V nastojascej rabote avtor rassmatrivaet razvitie navykov pis'mennosti v sledujuscie periody: v period upotreblenija serbsko-slavjanskogo i narodnogo jazyka, v period russko-slavjanskogo i narodnoga jazyka, v period slavjano-serbskogo i narodnogo jazyka do serediny XIX veka cerez prizmu jazyka i pis'mo pervyh serbskih bukvarej (v osnovnom napecatannyh, a takze rukopisnyh).
- Published
- 2010
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48. All researches conducted so far the influence of the Romanian language on the lexicon of the Serbian vernaculars in the Romanian Banat
- Author
Zarko Bosnjakovic and N Mihaj Radan
- Subjects
History ,Romanian ,General Medicine ,Lexicon ,Semantic field ,language.human_language ,Linguistics ,Lexical item ,lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,Idiolect ,language ,Serbian ,Emphasis (typography) - Abstract
The authors present the synthetic review of literature about the Serbian vernaculars in Romania with the special emphasis on the lexical interference with the Romanian language and its Banat dialect. The paper also points to the semantic fields in which foreign lexemes apper, as well to the periods of their incorporation in the Serbian vernaculars. A special aspect of the analysis represents a status of foreign lexical items in the idiolect. At the end, the autors plead for the elaboration of the contactological Romanian-Serbian dictionary.
- Published
- 2010
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49. Vytrenica - demon creature from the Slavic myths in 'Skazanije o pismeneh' by Konstantin Philosopher (Konstantin Kostenecki)
- Author
Gordana Jovanovic
- Subjects
Literature ,biology ,business.industry ,Philosophy ,Witch ,General Medicine ,Mythology ,biology.organism_classification ,lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,Slavic languages ,Fall of man ,business ,Demon ,Misfortune - Abstract
In the work of Konstantin Philosopher (Konstantin Kostenecki) named Skazanije o pismeneh appears the word vytrenica. This word is related to the word vetar (?wind?) which is, according to the myths of Slavic peoples, inhabeted by the souls of dead people and demons. Evil winds are the source of many hard diseases such as epilepsy, mental derangement, rabies. vytrenica is a witch, a demon which predicts some unfortunate events. It appeared in Belgrade after the death of Despot Stefan, announcing to its citizens the fall of the town and misfortune. Fortunately, predictions did not come true.
- Published
- 2010
50. Opuscenie vspomogatel'nogo glagola 'byt'' v prosedsem vremeni v lehitskih jazykah
- Author
Motoki Nomati
- Subjects
lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,nema ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,General Medicine - Abstract
V dannoj stat'e rassmatrivaetsja ellipsis vspomogatel'nogo glagola ?byt'? pri obrazovanii formy prosedsego vremeni v tak nazyvaemyh lehitskih jazykah. Proanalizirovav sinhroniceskie i diahroniceskie materialy polabskogo, kasubskogo i slovinskogo jazykov, avtor prisel k vyvodu, cto ellipsis vspomogatel'nogo glagola ?byt'? javljaetsja rezul'tatom grammatikalizacii mestoimenija kak pokazatelja lica prosedsego vremeni i v slovinskom jazyke stepen' grammatikalizacii dannoj konstrukcii vyse, cem v kasubskom i polabskom jazykah.
- Published
- 2010
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