
Showing total 29 results
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1. One-dimensional Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequalities: remarks on duality and flows

2. On generalizing Lutz twists

3. Higher ramification and varieties of secant divisors on the generic curve

4. A Mod Two Analogue of a Conjecture of Cooke

5. Vanishing cycles of matrix singularities

6. A flat torus theorem for convex co‐compact actions of projective linear groups

7. Stable convergence of inner functions

8. p‐adic L‐functions on metaplectic groups

9. On the existence of smooth orbital varieties in simple Lie algebras

10. Adjoint functor theorems for ∞‐categories

11. Geometry of biperiodic alternating links

12. Irreducible components of exotic Springer fibres

13. Real structures on marked Schottky space

14. Garling sequence spaces

15. On the arc-analytic type of some weighted homogeneous polynomials

16. Twisted zastava and q-Whittaker functions

17. A comparison of Newton-Okounkov polytopes of Schubert varieties

18. Weak amenability is stable under graph products

19. Stability and the Morse boundary

20. On semibounded Wiener-Hopf operators

21. Recollements of derived categories III: finitistic dimensions

22. On Vaughan's approximation: The first moment

23. Absolute order in general linear groups

24. Approximation property and nuclearity on mixed‐normLp, modulation and Wiener amalgam spaces

25. A knot with destabilized bridge spheres of arbitrarily high bridge number

26. An Agler-type model theorem forC0-semigroups of Hilbert space contractions

27. Burgess bounds for short mixed character sums

28. Counting factorizations of Coxeter elements into products of reflections