In a study of preferences for diets containing 1% to 20% sucrose over a bland diet, both female and male dogs preferred the diets containing sucrose over a bland diet, but female dogs had a significantly (P less than 0.05) greater preference for 1% sucrose than did males. Differences between sexes were not observed at the higher concentrations. Mean daily caloric intake was calculated for 12 bitches fed ad libitum during metestrus, estrus, and anestrus, as determined from metachrome-stained vaginal smears. Mean daily caloric intake was lowest during estrus (149 +/- 17 kcal/kg of body weight), was higher during metestrus (159 +/- 8 kcal/kg of body weight), and was highest (175 +/- 9 kcal/kg of body weight) during anestrus. Ovariohysterectomized bitches gained significantly (P less than 0.01) more weight (1.3 +/- 0.3 kg) in the first 10 days after surgery than did sham operated controls (0.3 +/- 0.1 kg). Food intake also was significantly greater ( less than 0.01) in the ovariohysterectomized bitches (1,708 kcal/day) than in the sham operated controls (1,423 kcal/day). Depth of subcutaneous fat in shoulder, rib, and rump areas of ovariohysterectomized bitches was not significantly different from that of intact bitches.