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1. Time series analysis in historiometry: a comment on Simonton.

2. The role of perceptions and attributions for response-outcome noncontingency in learned helplessness: a commentary and discussion.

3. Integrating Experimental and Observational Personality Research—The Contributions of Hans Eysenck.

4. Self as cultural product: an examination of East Asian and North American selves.

5. Measurement and generality of response dispositions in person perception.

6. The idiographic relationship between association value and reinforcement value, and the nature of meaning.

7. Height relationships on the draw-a-person test.

8. Some personality correlates of independence of judgment.

9. The role of the shared environment in college attainment: An adoption study.

10. Relative efficacy of volition and justification in arousing dissonance.

11. The life story from age 26 to 32: Rank-order stability and mean-level change.

12. A Comparison of Human Narrative Coding of Redemption and Automated Linguistic Analysis for Understanding Life Stories.

13. A Meta-Analytic Multitrait Multirater Separation of Substance and Style in Social Desirability Scales.

14. Majoring in Selection, and Minoring in Socialization: The Role of the College Experience in Goal Change Post-High School.

15. The Leader Ship Is Sinking: A Temporal Investigation of Narcissistic Leadership.

16. Accuracy of Judgments of Personality Based on Textual Information on Major Life Domains.

17. A Meta-Analytic Test of Redundancy and Relative Importance of the Dark Triad and Five-Factor Model of Personality.

18. (In)Congruence of Implicit and Explicit Communal Motives Predicts the Quality and Stability of Couple Relationships.

19. The Hubris Hypothesis: You Can Self-Enhance, But You'd Better Not Show It.

20. Toward a Tripartite Model of Intrinsic Motivation.

21. Early Personality Traits as Predictors of Mortality Risk Following Conjugal Bereavement.

22. The Present of the Past: Dialogues With Memory Over Time.

23. More May Be Better but There May Be Too Much: Optimal Trait Level and Self-Enhancement Bias.

24. On the Development of Harmonious and Obsessive Passion: The Role of Autonomy Support, Activity Specialization, and Identification With the Activity.

25. Gender Differences in Gratitude: Examining Appraisals, Narratives, the Willingness to Express Emotions, and Changes in Psychological Needs.

26. Personality Variables Predict Strength-Related Attitude Dimensions Across Objects.

27. Alexithymia, Cumulative Feedback, and Differential Response Patterns on the Iowa Gambling Task.

28. Introduction to the Special Issue.

29. Concern for Generativity and Its Relation to Implicit Pro-Social Power Motivation, Generative Goals, and Satisfaction With Life: A Cross-Cultural Investigation.

30. Contextualized Personality: Traditional and New Assessment Procedures.

31. Emotions and Interpersonal Relationships: Toward a Person-Centered Conceptualization of Emotions and Coping.

32. Distinguishing Affective and Non-Affective Reactions to Daily Events.

33. Measuring Self-Esteem in Context: The Importance of Stability of Self-Esteem in Psychological Functioning.

34. The effect of daily stress, personality, and age on daily negative affect.

35. Interpersonal conflict, agreeableness, and personality development.

36. Developing mechanisms of temperamental effortful control.

37. Individual difference variables, affective differentiation, and the structures of affect.

38. A multisource approach to self-critical vulnerability to depression: the moderating role of attachment.

39. The structure of the self-concept and its relation to psychological adjustment.

40. Seventy Years of Research on Personality and Close Relationships: Substantive and Methodological Trends Over Time.

41. Witnessing interparental psychological aggression in childhood: implications for daily conflict in adult intimate relationships.

42. Trait psychology and culture: exploring intercultural comparisons.

43. Analyses of Digman's child-personality data: derivation of Big-Five factor scores from each of six samples.

44. Agreeableness as a moderator of interpersonal conflict.

45. What is beyond the big five? Plenty!

46. The influence of rearing order on personality development within two adoption cohorts.

47. Culture and personality: toward an integrated cultural trait psychology.

48. Two Approaches for Identifying Shared Personality Dimensions Across Methods.

49. Metatraits and self-schemata: same or different?

50. Personality psychology: research trends for 1993-1995.