
Showing total 108 results
108 results

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1. Comparison of Two Different Sampling Methods for Subgingival Plaque: Subgingival Paper Points or Mouthrinse Sample?

2. A new classification scheme for periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions - Introduction and key changes from the 1999 classification.

3. Outcomes of root resection therapy up to 16.8 years: A retrospective study in an academic setting.

4. Classification of facial peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence/deficiencies at single implant sites in the esthetic zone.

5. Distribution of systemic ciprofloxacin and doxycycline to gingiva and gingival crevicular fluid.

6. Interventions for Dental Implant Placement in Atrophic Edentulous Mandibles: Vertical Bone Augmentation and Alternative Treatments. A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials.

7. Strontium ranelate improves alveolar bone healing in estrogen-deficient rats.

8. A disintegrin-like and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin-1 (ADAMTS-1) levels in gingival crevicular fluid correlate with vascular endothelial growth factor-A, hypoxia-inducible factor-1α, and clinical parameters in patients with advanced periodontitis.

9. Gingival fluid ciprofloxacin levels at healthy and inflamed human periodontal sites.

10. Added benefit of L-PRF to autogenous bone grafts in the treatment of degree II furcation involvement in mandibular molars.

11. Long-term preservation of ridge dimension following tooth extraction and ridge preservation: A randomized controlled trial of healing at 4- and 12-month healing time points.

12. Reliability assessment of the classification for facial peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence/deficiencies (PSTDs): A multi-center inter-rater agreement study of different skill-level practitioners.

13. Effects of infrared light laser therapy on in vivo and in vitro periodontitis models.

14. Periodontal health education session can improve oral hygiene in patients with gingivitis: A masked randomized controlled clinical study.

15. Effect of intravenous dexamethasone on postoperative pain and swelling following periodontal flap surgery: A randomized controlled trial of patient-centered outcomes.

16. The virulence factor GroEL directs the osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament stem cells through the involvement of JNK/MAPK and NF-κB signaling.

17. Randomized, controlled, clinical trial to evaluate a xenogeneic collagen matrix as an alternative to free gingival grafting for oral soft tissue augmentation: A 6- to 8-year follow-up.

18. Melatonin improves periodontitis-induced kidney damage by decreasing inflammatory stress and apoptosis in rats.

19. Impact of mucosal phenotype on marginal bone levels around tissue level implants: A prospective controlled trial.

20. Diagnostic potential of peri-implant crevicular fluid microRNA-21-3p and microRNA-150-5p and extracellular vesicles in peri-implant diseases.

21. Clinical sequelae and patients' perception of dental implant removal: A cross-sectional study.

22. Decontamination of rough implant surfaces colonized by multispecies oral biofilm by application of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin.

23. Subgingival microbiome is associated with alveolar bone loss measured 5 years later in postmenopausal women.

24. Analyzing the predictability of the Kwok and Caton periodontal prognosis system: A retrospective study.

25. Application of enamel matrix derivative in conjunction with non-surgical therapy for treatment of moderate to severe periodontitis: A 12-month, randomized prospective, multicenter study.

26. Patient experience of autogenous soft tissue grafting has an implication for future treatment: A 10- to 15-year cross-sectional study.

27. Alcoholic beverage consumption, smoking habits, and periodontitis: A cross-sectional investigation of the NutriNet-Santé study.

28. LPCGF and EDTA conditioning of the root surface promotes the adhesion, growth, migration and differentiation of periodontal ligament cells.

29. Immunohistological composition of peri-implantitis affected tissue around ceramic implants-A pilot study.

30. Smoking reduces cathelicidin LL-37 and human neutrophil peptide 1-3 levels in the gingival crevicular fluid of patients with periodontitis.

31. Topical phenytoin effects on palatal wound healing.

32. Bone grafting history affects soft tissue healing following implant placement.

33. Microcurrent electrotherapy improves palatal wound healing: Randomized clinical trial.

34. Incidence of retrograde peri-implantitis in sites with previous apical surgeries: A retrospective study.

35. Soft tissue healing around platform-switching and platform-matching single implants: A randomized clinical trial.

36. Melatonin ameliorates periodontitis-related inflammatory stress at cardiac left ventricular tissues in rats.

37. Effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on gingival crevicular fluid hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha, vascular endothelial growth factor and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels in generalized aggressive periodontitis patients.

38. Disease reciprocity between gingivitis and obesity.

39. Inflammatory biomarkers and growth factors in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid of e-cigarette users, cigarette smokers, and dual smokers: A pilot study.

40. Periodontal disease and detection of human herpesviruses in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid of chronic kidney disease patients.

41. Effectiveness of scaling and root planing with and without adjunct probiotic therapy in the treatment of chronic periodontitis among shamma users and non-users: A randomized controlled trial.

42. Immunohistochemical, histomorphometric, and gingival crevicular fluid analysis of residual and shallow periodontal pockets in patients with periodontitis Stages III and IV.

43. Bisphosphonate-induced reactive oxygen species inhibit proliferation and migration of oral fibroblasts: A pathogenesis of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw.

44. Calcitriol decreases live Porphyromonas gingivalis internalized into epithelial cells and monocytes by promoting autophagy.

45. Is the personalized approach the key to improve clinical diagnosis of peri-implant conditions? The role of bone markers.

46. Guided tissue regeneration combined with bone allograft in infrabony defects: Clinical outcomes and assessment of prognostic factors.

47. Short-term effects of hyaluronic acid on the subgingival microbiome in peri-implantitis: A randomized controlled clinical trial.

48. Aminobisphosphonate-treated ewes as a model of osteonecrosis of the jaw and of dental implant failure.

49. The down-regulation of Notch 1 signaling contributes to the severity of bone loss in aggressive periodontitis.

50. Subepithelial connective tissue graft with or without enamel matrix derivative for the treatment of multiple Class III-IV recessions in lower anterior teeth: A 3-year randomized clinical trial.